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Transforming Fairy Tales
Lesson 7: Finding Backgrounds on the Internet

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  I wanted to incorporate the Web into this project and I thought it would be fun for the students to use the Internet to get backgrounds for their fairy tales. All of the students loved looking for images on Google. A few students asked if they could draw their own backgrounds. Some students used the images they found as "props" for their characters instead of backgrounds.  

Lesson 1. Transforming

Go to:
Click on the tab for "images"
Type a word for the image you need. This student was looking for a castle.

Lesson 5. Creating a character template

Lesson 2. What is a fairy tale?
What are the characteristics?

There are two ways to move an image from the web to your Painting document. Holding your mouse on the selected image, drag the selected picture to an opened painting document. Sometimes it is necessary to use an alternate method. Hold your cursor over the selected image. When a menu appears, click on "Copy this image". Then move to your painting document and "Paste".
Save as Student's name/Background

Lesson 6. Transforming characters

Lesson 3. Writing our fairy tales
How can we transform a tale?

To enlarge a background, use the same steps used for transforming an image. Select the area with the dotted box, place your cursor in one of the corners and drag diagonally down.

Lesson 7. Finding backgrounds on the Internet.

Lesson 4. Editing our tales


9. Helpful Web sites

See our fairy tales

Lesson 8. Putting the pages together