Transforming Fairy Tales
A Unit that integrates writing, drawing and technology
and shows us how unreality contains serious truths.

All illustrations were created by the students of PS 171 and can be used only with permission
from their editor

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Lesson 1. Transforming

Students share their fairy tales at the Publishing Party

Lesson 5. Creating a character template

Lesson 2. What is a fairy tale?
What are the characteristics?

We all need happily ever after. . . .
There does seem to be something universally appealing about fairy tales. These tales can be found all around the world and are enjoyed over and over again by adults as well as children. We all love happy endings, and with fairy tales, we are never disappointed. A study motivated by fairy tales provides seemingly infinite links to literature and geography. This Unit merely scratches the surface!
What I set out to do was to provide my fourth graders with a format where they could write and paint on computers and use the Internet. I wanted them to understand not only how to word-process, but how to use painting and drawing documents. I wanted them to learn how to copy and paste and to move from one program to another. I wanted my students to understand the power of technology; how they could edit drawings and use them again. I wanted my students to learn how to take an image from the Internet, move it to a file and manipulate it. Of course, I wanted wonderful drawings, flawless writing and a project of which we could all feel proud.

Lesson 6. Transforming characters

Lesson 3. Writing our fairy tales
How can we transform a tale?

Something amazing happened. . .
Students come to the computer class once a week. This project lasted almost the entire year! Computer lessons early in the year introduced students to the work that would follow. We began the year exploring AppleWorks painting tools. We then reviewed word-processing skills. What amazed me was that the students arrived at my room every week eager to work. I never heard students say, "Not this again." Students were both challenged and inspired by this material.

Lesson 7. Finding backgrounds on the Internet.

Lesson 4. Editing our tales


9. Helpful Websites

See our fairy tales

Lesson 8. Putting the pages together