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Miss Nelson Is Missing/Miss Nelson Is Back

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Lesson 2

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Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Extension Activities


Miss Nelson Is Missing/Miss Nelson Is Back - Lesson 4



Objective:  Students will be able to:

* use simple strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary for reading including use of multiple meanings, synonyms, antonyms and word relations.

* read text and determine the main idea.

* the similarities and differences between the two stories.

* compare characters.

* identify the cause (Why did it happen?) to the effect (What happened?).


* Book:  Miss Nelson Is Missing by Harry Allard and James Marshall

             Miss Nelson Is Back by Harry Allard and James Marshall

* Computer with Internet and word processing

* Worksheet (vocabulary)

* Worksheet (characters)

* Worksheet (cause & effect)

Vocabulary: shall, relieved, substitute, ringleaders, corny, nervous, plot, impersonating, misbehave, tottered, amused, demonstrated, consequences, behavior

Working with words: The teacher will review sentences that give order.  Introduce sentences that exclaim (put example on the board).  Students will do pg. 9 (Part A & B) in language book.  Students will go online to Student Fun and complete activities on punctuation.

Activity: The teacher will...

1. review vocabulary and definitions. (treat game)

2. re-read and ask questions as you read. (Miss Nelson Is Back)

3. have students get into cooperative groups to brainstorm the similarities and differences between the two stories. (put the responses on chart paper)

4. have the students compare & contrast Miss Nelson Is Missing to Miss Nelson is Back.  Students can go online to Venn Diagram to look at the graphic organizer that will help the students see more clearly the similarities and the differences between Miss Nelson Is Missing and Miss Nelson Is Back.

5. have the students go online to The Dictionary Plus to find synonyms and antonyms for their vocabulary words.

6. have the students go online to do a vocabulary activity, print out the worksheet and complete it.

7. if time permits, have the students share their venn diagram.

8. have the students complete a worksheet on cause and effect. (print out the worksheet)

9. have the students complete a worksheet on characters. (print out the worksheet)

Evaluation: The students will work on their personality panorama and write true or false on the following sentences:

* _____ Miss Nelson had her tonsils out.

* _____ The kids wanted Mr. Blandsworth to demonstrate more bird calls.

* _____ The ringleaders of 207 impersonated Miss Nelson.

* _____ The class went to visit Miss Nelson.

* _____ Miss Nelson dressed up like a witch.

* _____ The class was glad to have Miss Nelson back.

* _____ Miss Viola Swamp was a real witch.

* _____ Miss Nelson fooled the class.

Home Learning:

* Students will use word processor to type their vocabulary words 2x's each and study for their test.

* Students will go online to Discovery Kids to create a crossword puzzle with their vocabulary words.

* Students will go online to do a comprehension activity, print out the worksheet and complete it.



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