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Miss Nelson Is Missing/Miss Nelson Is Back

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Extension Activities


Miss Nelson Is Missing/Miss Nelson Is Back - Extension Activities




*  Discuss the different ways that we can classify characteristics about the type of substitute they would like to have if their teacher were absent. (ex.  Friendly, Funny, Mean, Smart, Caring, Boring)

*  Students vote on what type of characteristics they want the substitute to have.

*  Once they have chosen, they will keep a tally of the data (votes) collected on to a piece of paper.

*  Students will then make either a vertical or horizontal bar graph with the outcome of the vote using Microsoft Works/Spreadsheet/Chart.

*  Students will come up with three questions about their graph.

Language Arts

*  Students will pick Miss Nelson and Miss Voila Swamp from the story to compare.  Demonstrate a Venn Diagram (compare & contrast) to the class and the students can go online to Venn Diagram to look at the graphic organizer that will help the students see more clearly the similarities and the differences between the characters.

*  In the stories it shows two types of teachers and two ways a class can behave.  Discuss the differences, then have the students work in groups to do one of the following writing activities:

                - Pretend your teacher will be going away for one month. Write a paragraph that describes the substitute you would like to have. 

                - Pretend you are a teacher.  Write a paragraph describing the kind of children you would like to have in your class.

*  Students can make up a story about the best or worst substitute teacher they can imagine.

*  At a Learning Center, you can have questions that the students have to answer when they are finished with their work.


*  One of room 207's favorite ways to disrupt the class is by throwing paper airplanes.  What is aerodynamics?  Explore how different shapes move through the air by making several types of paper airplanes.  Which airplanes fly the fastest of smoothest?  What makes some fly efficiently than others?  Students can go online to learn about different paper airplane designs.

Social Studies

*  Ask each child to give two activities that they would like to do on a day when the teacher will be absent.  Make a special file and leave it for them for a day when a substitute comes.


*  Upon completing the book, provide the students with art paper, scissors, and crayons.  Create a mini Miss Nelson Is Missing/Miss Nelson Is Back gallery by attaching illustrations to the wall, framing each with one-inch strips of brown construction paper.

*  Have students make two sided paper-bag puppets of Miss Nelson and her alter ego, Miss Viola Swamp, or of themselves and their ego.



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