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Miss Nelson Is Missing/Miss Nelson Is Back

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Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Extension Activities


Name: ________________________ 
Date:  ________________________

Comprehension Test

(Miss Nelson Is Missing/Miss Nelson Is Back)

Answer each question in a complete sentence on a separate sheet of paper.

Miss Nelson Is Missing

1.  Why did Miss Nelson go away?

2.  What will the kids do to make sure Miss Nelson doesn't leave again?

3.  What do you think was the worst thing about Miss Viola Swamp being the teacher?

4.  Who are the main characters in this story? Give a name and describe that character in a complete sentence.

5.  What is the setting of the story?  Where and when does it take place?

6.  How do the children of room 207 treat Miss Nelson?

7.  Pretend you are a child in Miss Nelson's class and don't know Miss Swamp's true identity.  What do you think Miss Swamp is like at home?  What does she eat for dinner? What does she do for fun?  Draw a picture of Miss Swamp at home.

8.  Is the character Detective McSmogg needed for the story? Why do you think the authors put him in?

9.  How did the kids try to find her?

10.  List five words that describe the children in Miss Nelson's class before Miss Viola Swamp came. Then list five words that describe how they were after Miss Nelson returned.

Miss Nelson Is Back

11.  How did Miss Nelson's kids feel when they got rid of Mr. Blandsworth?

12.  How did Miss Nelson feel when she caught her class out of school?

13.  How did the kids feel when Miss Viola Swamp took over the class?

14.  Do you think the class will behave the next time Miss Nelson is out?  Why or why not? 

15.  How did Miss Nelson's class misbehave while she was away?

16.  Why do you think some kids "acted up" for the substitute?

17.  Why were Miss Nelson's kids glad to have her back?

18.  Did your class ever "act up" for a substitute?  What happened? 

19.  Write your ideas about what makes a good substitute.




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