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Bon Appétit: Cooking Crepes in French Class
Home Lesson 1
Introduction Web Quest
Lesson 2
Exploring the world of French Cuisine

Lesson 3
Le Couvert et Manger- Learn how to set the table and eat

Lesson 4
Preparer et Manger un dessert francais
Lesson 5
Les Crepes
Lesson 6
Setting guidelines for PowerPoint presentation
Oral Dialogue Presentation
PowerPoint Presentations

Lesson #6 Setting Guidelines for PowerPoint Presentation

(3-4 classes)

Aim: Setting guidelines for PowerPoint presentation

To begin final project

Materials: Computer, Internet, disks, digital camera, prior knowledge of how to use a search engine on the Internet, as well as prior knowledge on how to use PowerPoint.

Do Now: Write an essay in English about your experience making the authentic French dish Crepes.

  • Have students brainstorm and reflect for a few minutes about their experience.
  • Have a group discussion about what they liked, didn't like. If they liked what team they were on and that teams function, if they liked/disliked the way the crepes tasted

Now ask the students to choose 3 of the sentences they have written and translate them into French

  • J'aime manger les crepes. J'aime cuisiner ou preparer les crepes.

Step1 Break the students up into their cooperative learning groups.

Each group will receive a disk with all of the same pictures on it, taken during the cooking and eating of the crepes.

Each student should have a copy of the assignment on paper which you should give to them, but I also suggest that you might want to have a class web page that if the students loose the assignment as they always do they can go straight to the computer and get whatever information they need. Go to www.schoolnotes.com fill in the information, and this website allows you to create a web page for your class.

ASSIGNMENT: We have just finished cooking and eating crepes. Each person has had a different experience with this project. We want to give a presentation to a school in France and we want them to see what we have done in our classroom your job is to create a PowerPoint presentation telling the audience what we have done.

  • Most of the writing should be in French because our audience speaks very little English.
  • You should have between 8-10 slides
  • You should make sure you use colors, sounds and actions that draw the audience's attention as well as make the presentation clear.
  • Be sure to insert the photos from the disk as well as from an image search engine such as www.gettyone.com, www.altavista.com, (images) www.google.com (images) www.flaming text.com Pictures allow the audience to get a more realistic feel for what is going on during the presentation.
  • All groups will present their PowerPoint to the class and be evaluated by both the students and the teacher (discuss rubric categories with class and create a sheet for student evaluation). The rubric I used was http://ncsu.edu/midlink/rub.pres.html.

The group with the winning presentation by student rubric will win dessert at a French café or boulangerie. But the catch is they need to order in French!!

I had many great PowerPoints presented in class-- click on the link below to see a sample of one of the teams' work.

If you can't view the presentation, click here for screenshots





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