
On My Honor

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Links for Abstract Artwork:
The Scream



Suggestions for scences from the novel:
From On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer.  Page 51 (last paragraph continues to 
p. 52) 

A squirrel scolded in a nearby tree.  The river made a burbling sound, 
almost as if it were laughing.  There were Tony’s clothes scattered 
haphazardly along the ground, exactly where they had been dropped except for 
the shirt the girl had moved.  One sock hung from a nearby bush; the other 
lay in the midst of a patch of violets.

From On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer.  Page 53 (second paragraph) 

Joel lay on his back in the middle of his bed staring at the darkened light 
fixture.  The shadow of the fixture stretched across his ceiling like an 
electrical gray spider and bent down the wall.  When he had first laid known 
on the bed, the shadow had been a small blob right next to the light.

From On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer.  Page 60 (second paragraph) 

Bobby was holding the screen door open for their mother.  Looking tired and 
a little bit frazzled, she set down the grocery bag she was carrying and 
came to the bottom of the stairs.  She stood with her hands on her hips 
exactly the way Bobby had when he was imitating her earlier.  “What on earth 
were you doing today, Joel?”  Mrs. Zabrinsky says you and Tony hid in the 
house all afternoon.


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Last Modified: Friday December 08 2006

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