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TeachNetUSA: Crimes on the Great Lakes

Subject: Science

Topic: The Great Lakes

Grade Level: 6 - 8

Bad things happen on the Great Lakes.  How can science solve these crimes using measurement, ecology, atmospheric, and location information?

Students will be able to:

Plot the position of ships on the Great Lakes using latitude and longitude.
Use lake conditions on Lake Erie to find a specific location.
Write an informative letter about endangered species local communities.
Write and informative brochure about aquatic nuisance species.
Predict the course of storms that might affect the Great Lakes
You are a member of the United States Coast Guard and are responsible for patrolling the Great Lakes.  There are many responsibilities that the Coast Guard has.  Click here to find out more about the Coast Guard .

Use internet information to assist you in solving real and imaginary crimes on the Great Lakes.

Drug Smugglers - As a member of the Coast Guard you will use ship tracking on the Great Lakes to figure out where five ships are going.  One of them is carrying a smuggled stash of drugs worth $1,000,000 street value.

Greedy Developers - Discover where and why  habitats essential to the survival of specific plants and animals are being destroyed.  Determine what the communities around these habitats can do to preserve their valuable natural resources.

Ignorant Shippers - Ships traveling from across the Atlantic Ocean have brought in several species of plants and animals that are not supposed to be here.  Educate others about how to slow down their spread around the Great Lakes.

Weather Horrors - Severe weather on the Great Lakes pose a threat to most pleasure boaters and fishermen.  Track storms and see if any are going to threaten the Great Lakes region.

Shipwreck - The yacht of a wealthy businesswoman has been sunk on Lake Erie.  Use an experimental device to track the shipwreck and recover a valuable necklace.

Instructional activities:

Shipwreck Instruction
Weather Horrors Instruction
Ignorant Shippers Instruction
Greedy Developers Instruction
Drug Smugglers Instruction
Time Table for Criminals on the Great Lakes Internet Lesson
Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Drug Smugglers Greedy Developers Ignorant Shippers Weather Horrors Shipwreck
2 Shipwreck Drug Smugglers Greedy Developers Ignorant Shippers Weather Horrors
3 Weather Horrors Shipwreck Drug Smugglers Greedy Developers Ignorant Shippers
4 Ignorant Shippers Weather Horrors Shipwreck Drug Smugglers Greedy Developers
5 Greedy Developers Ignorant Shippers Weather Horrors Shipwreck Drug Smugglers
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