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TeachNetUSA: Crimes on the Great Lakes

Weather Horrors

Severe weather is one of the boaters greatest dangers on the Great Lakes.  A moderate storm would easily capsize open boats.  Advance warning of storms provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Service.  The Coast Guard is responsible to pass on such warnings to small craft boaters.  The Coast Guard needs to be aware of boat races on the Great Lakes since these boaters often race in spite of severe weather.

Your responsibility is to determine which storms are in the United States and which ones could be affecting the Great Lakes.  In order to know which ones are going to affect the Great Lakes you need to know two things.  First, where are the storms in relation to low pressure systems.  Second these low pressure systems follow the isotherm they are on.

You are to plot the low pressure systems in the United States and locate the storms associated with the low.  Draw the isotherms on the map accurately and determine which of the Great Lakes if any are likely to get severe weather.

Current Weather Maps:

Dopler Radar
Isobars, Fronts, and Pressure Systems
Return to Great Lakes Crimes

Success in your assignment will be determined on the following basis.

Scoring Rubric for Weather Horrors
Part of Assignment Excellent - 4 pts each Good - 3 pts each Fair - 2 pts each Poor - 1 point each
Which Great Lake(s) are going to be affected Most likely to be affected Probably going to be affected Possibly going to be affected Not likely going to be affected
Plotting low pressure systems locations  All low pressure systems  are plotted accurately  Most low pressure systems  are plotted accurately  Some low pressure systems  are plotted accurately  No low pressure systems  are plotted accurately 
Isotherms are located on the map correctly Isotherms are very accurately drawn on the map Isotherms are mostly accurately drawn on the map Isotherms are somewhat  accurately drawn on the map Isotherms are not accurately drawn on the map 
Storms located around the low pressure system The storm areas are accurately determined The storm areas are fairly accurately determined The storm areas are somewhat accurately determined The storm areas are not accurately determined
Finding Information Found all information as instructed Found information with some assistance Found information with a lot of assistance Could not find any information


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