Home Investigation Anatomy Nutrition Carver Products Math Credits Rubrics

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1. Uses estimation strategies

2. Use graph to display data.

3. Uses concrete materials to model equivalent forms of whole numbers and fractions.

4. Solves multiplication problems using concrete objects and drawings.


estimate, fractions, graph, array, pod,


1 big jar of peanuts for each group

student worksheet

graph and drawing software








1. Fill a few jars with peanuts. Not too small. Then place students in groups and give each group a jar of peanuts

2. Give each Student a worksheet.

3. First, students will estimate how many peanuts are in the jar.

4. Count the peanuts and check estimates.

5. Next, students will group peanuts by pod size. 1 peanut pods, 2 peanut pods,  3 peanut pods.

6. Then they will use the groups of pods and write fractions to represent each group.

7. After that, students will create a graph to show the group of peanuts.

8. Now the students will use the different groups of peanuts to form arrays to multiply. They will illustrate the array and write the number sentence. This must be modeled for students so they know what they are doing.

For example:  If they have five pods of three, they will draw the five pods showing three peanuts in each then write 5 x 3 = 15


1. Student worksheet

2. Graph done in the computer.

3. Drawings of arrays in the computer with number sentences.


Students will create word problems using peanuts.




1.  Review key words used for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

2. www.peanut-insatitute.org order for free Fueling Kids for Fun an Fitness. They have a math word problems worksheet using peanut statistics.


Home Investigation Anatomy Nutrition Carver Products Math Credits Rubrics