Home Investigation Anatomy Nutrition Carver Products Math Credits Rubrics



1. Understands similarities and differences among plants.

2. Knows structural adaptations of plants.

3. Knows organism need resources to live.


anatomy, root, stem, leaf, flower, legume, pod, harvest,



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Book: The Life and Times of the Peanut
by Charles Micucci

Question Handout for student

raw peanuts











1. Discuss the needs of plants. (Soil, water, sun, air)

2. Ask students to name the parts of a plant. (root, stem, leaf, flower)

3. Ask students where most fruits or vegetables grow.

4. Tell them that the peanut plant is a very unique plant.

5. Have students write a prediction about what is so unique.

5. The teacher will read the book: The Life and Times of the Peanut
by Charles Micucci

6. Give each student the handout to look up the websites and questions to answer as they read.

7. The student will visit Georgia Peanuts and read about the peanut plant. They can click on each part of the plant to learn about it.

8. Then visit aboutpeanuts and read how the peanuts grow.

9. Then they will print peanut plant anatomy and color the printout.

10. Give students a quiz on labeling the peanut plant



1. Answers on questions on websites.

2. Quiz on anatomy of the peanut plant.

3. Venn Diagram comparing different peanuts.

4. Table showing growth of peanut plant.


1. Visit about peanuts  and click on Types of Peanuts.

2. Write to tell about the three types of peanuts.

3.Use a three circle venn diagram to compare all three types of peanuts.


1. Students will grow peanut plants

2. Visit planting peanuts and get all the details on how to grow peanuts.

3. Students will create a table and keep a growth chart on the peanut plant.

4. If you live in a state where they grow peanuts you could visit a peanut plantation.


Home Investigation Anatomy Nutrition Carver Products Math Credits Rubrics