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Teachers Network Leadership Institute:
Supporters: Peter Paul, Vice President

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PETER A. PAUL is currently Vice President of Teachers Network. Part of his responsibilities include helping direct the New Teacher Resource Program across the U.S., and working closely with the New Teacher Support Program in New York City. In addition, he serves as the national coordinator of the Teachers Network Leadership Institute (TNLI); is responsible for Teachers Network Board of Trustee relations; and, serves as the director of personnel for the organization.

Peter received his A.B. Summa Cum Laude from Hope College, and was also recognized as one of its top graduates in the field of education. His graduate education includes a concentration in Educational Policy from Teachers College, Columbia University, where he was inducted as a permanent member into the Teachers College, Columbia University chapter of Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society in Education) for scholarship and achievement. He has also received numerous other recognitions, such as citations in Who’s Who in the World and Outstanding People of the 20th Century (Cambridge, England).

Peter is a licensed elementary and middle school teacher; he has taught at all levels in various locales in the U.S. (including urban, rural, and suburban classroom environments) and abroad. Originally, Mr. Paul joined Teachers Network as a graduate intern working with the Teachers Network Leadership Institute during its early years. Mr. Paul is also the founding president of NCA Schools International—a major Northern Japan-based chain of English-language schools. Prior to returning to the U.S. in 1997, Mr. Paul did extensive public speaking and educational consulting abroad.


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