Web Page Design Tips
Using FrontPage

Format background color, graphic, or theme | Insert an Image | Insert a Sound | Add a guestbook, poll, or feedback form | Uploading these files to teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/

In this tutorial we are going to add some fun elements to our web pages.  Of course, "content is king" when developing your web page, but a boring format will not attract or keep viewers. 

Let's begin:

1. Create a folder on your disk or desktop called "thanksgiving"

2. Open FrontPage and create a new page

3. Save this page to your disk, or desktop folder, as turkeyindex.htm (note- keep all .htm file names in small letters, no spaces)

4. The theme of this page will be the upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving. Brainstorm possible text, color schemes, clip-art, photos, sounds for this page.  Who will the audience be?

5. Let's start with the page background.   Click here





Developed by: Carla Huck, Director of TeachNet www.teachersnetwork.org/TeachNet