Web Page Design Tips
Using FrontPage

Uploading these files to teachnet-lab

We already have two tutorials created by Dan Fenner on how to upload to teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/ using

FrontPage for Windows (http://teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/ps88/frontpage/index.htm) or

Fetch (http://teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/ps88/fetch

I generally work on my pages online, by logging into teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/ and then building, editing, and importing as I go.  This is a screenshot of my set-up now:

You can see all the files for this tutorial listed in my "thanksgiving" folder above.  Now, you are going to upload your thanksgiving folder to your school subweb on http://teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/ using your own id and password.  If you use another server, you can upload there. Any time you want to edit your pages, log in and edit online.