Web Page Design Tips
Using FrontPage

 Insert a Sound

FrontPage makes it relatively easy to set a background sound for a web page.  Finding the right sound is the difficult task!  Try these web sites for inspiration:

 http://webplaces.com/html/sounds.htm - Great variety of sounds in wav, au, and midi format.  Some of the links are not working.

http://wavsource.com/updates.htm - Good files, lots of tv and movie references.

http://top50wavsites.com/index.html - Contains links to some of the largest .wav sites on the Internet.



1.  When you have found an appropriate sound file (usually in .mid, .wav, or .au format) right click on it and select Save target as



2. Back on your web page, right-click the page, and then click Page Properties on the shortcut menu.

3. On the General tab, under Background sound, in the Location box, type the sound file you want to play, or click Browse to locate the file.

Do one of the following:

When a site visitor opens a page, the sound is played.

Here's my page with Vivaldi's Four Seasons - Autumn - Allegro playing.  Put the cursor over a hover button at the bottom to hear a short .au file. 

  • MIDI (.mid) format give you a high quality of digital sound.
  • WAV (.wav) format was developed for used with Microsoft's Windows. You can record .wav using Windows. The sound quality is not as good as MIDI, but the file is smaller.
  • AU (.au) was developed by Sun. The sound quality is poor, but the file is quite small, used for recording short speech. If you want to add sound to a hover button, it must be an .au file.
  • AIFF (.aiff) was developed by Apple for music and high quality sound.


 Next: Insert a feedback form