Travel with Me: A Travel Guide for Students


You are a student travel guide and want to be hired by student groups. You want to prepare a  2night\ 3day trip to a Caribbean Island, which is described in a travel brochure that you will create.  In the brochure you include accommodations , places of interest and activities for students  9  through 13 years of age . You will use the Internet to research your project.



1. Meet and interview a neighborhood travel agent.

2. Make a graphic organizer using  Kidspiration.

3. You will select a Caribbean Island of your choice.

4. On the Internet you will research the Caribbean Island that you have chosen.

5. You will take notes on facts about the island e. i. geography and places of interest.

6. Write a draft of the description to be used in your brochure.

7. Revise your draft and write a final entry for brochure.

8. Design your cover page and include pictures from Kidpix, Clipart, personal drawings or scanned photos.

9. Complete editing for final project presentation.

10. Celebration: display of brochures at school museum .


Click on these links to do your research:

Click on this hyperlink to a map of  the Caribbean  Islands


Teachers: Click in each cell to view our lesson plans

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3 and  4

Lessons 5 and 6

Lessons 7

Lesson 8 and 9

 Lesson 10

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