Not So Sweet... 


1. Recognizes the interdependence of people globally

2. Uses graphic organizer and writes for various purposes such as to inform or persuade

3. Students participates  in a classroom service project


Slavery, abolish,


 PowerPoint or HyperStudio

 Worksheet on assignment

 Option: graphic organizer to write info.




1.  Do a KWL  (What I know, What I want to know, What I learned) on slavery.

2.  Discuss the job of a farmer.  Ask these questions:

 Under what conditions does a farmer live in the US?

How does he get rewarded for his work?

Is it fair to work and not get paid?

Activities (cont.)

3. Have a discussion on slavery and even though in the United States it has been abolished, it still exists in other parts of the world.

4.  Tell students that they will be given a sheet with websites to visit and read about chocolate and slavery.

5.  Students will print a graphic organizer to help them write information to report on what is going on in some parts of the world regarding slavery.

Activities (cont.)

6. Have a discussion as to what people in the U.S. did to abolish slavery. Which ideas were good? Bad?

7. Students will work in groups.  They will come up with different solutions to stop child slavery in cacao farms.

8. They will create a PowerPoint presentation of their idea.


Students will create an add against slavery.


1.  Expository on Child Slavery

2.  PowerPoint presentation

3.  Persuasive letter.




Students will write a letter to different chocolate companies and express their disagreement with child slavery and urge them not to buy cacao seeds from these farms.  These can be sent through email.
























The Chocolate Touch Cocoa What? History of Chocolate
The Chocolate Place

Chocolate and Nutrition

Chocolate Math
  Home Bibliography