Chocolate Place... Factories around the world


1.  Recognize, locate, and label continents and countries on a map.

2.  Understands inventions or tools solve problems

3. Arranges events in chronological order


harvest ,  ferment , nib, alter,  mold    grind, winnow, manufacturer, refine,    ingredient, conch  



 Several candy bars of your choice

 Student Worksheets (See Lesson)

 Construction paper, crayons, markers, scissors, glue



1.  Students make an A-Z list of all the chocolate bars and candies they can remember. Give examples such as M&M's, Clark, Milky Way, etc.

2.  After students have come up with names, display all the different chocolates you have found.

3.  Have students see each one and find out what is the name of the factory that makes each.

Activities (cont.)

4.  They are now ready to go on a search for factories around the world.

5. Handout  word web. The student will use a search engine such as

 to find 6 different factories around the world.  They can not all be in the US. They can use websites given on student worksheet.

6. Give students a map of the world and they will locate each factory on the map. The student will label the map with the country name, continent name, and the factory name.

 Activities (cont.)

7.  Have student write down a prediction on how chocolate is made.

8.  Give student the worksheet to visit Field Museum online and find out how chocolate is made.  They will answer questions on the worksheet.

9. They will use a flow chart to show all the steps in turning cacao seeds to a chocolate bar.

10.  Use the flowchart to create a PowerPoint presentation on how chocolate is made.



Do research on an invention.  Then write an expository to tell what the invention is, who invented it, and why the invention is important.


1.  Labeled map of the world.

2.  Flow chart telling all steps in making a chocolate bar.

3. PowerPoint Presentation

3.  Expository writing on inventions




Students will create their own bar.

 Assign students to groups.   Each group will decide on a new chocolate bar.  They will create a name and decide the ingredients of the bar.   They will create the wrapper of the candy bar.  Finally write an ad to promote the new product and present it to the class.



























The Chocolate Touch Cocoa What? History of Chocolate
The Chocolate Place

Not So Sweet

Chocolate Math
  Home Bibliography