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Student Syllabus for

Slide Show Presentation: Ancient Rome

I.  You will work in groups of four to create the slide show presentation.

II.  You will include in the slide show:

        a.  A title page

        b.  Six different sites from Ancient Rome

        c.  From the six, you must include a forum, a bathhouse and an aqueducts.

        d.  Each place must include a picture and a description of the place.

            What the place was used for, how, and why it was important.

III.  When the slide shows are complete, each group will show their presentation to the 

IV.  Visit the following sites to get the information:  You will find the websites 

         a.  To begin, visit Roman town a tour of an ancient roman town.

        b. Next, What Kind of Architecture? read about the architecture of Rome.

        c.  Explore some more at City of Rome and at  Roman Empire

        d.  Also On Campus Rome get more info on the great builders of old.

       e.  Finally visit  Monumental Rome to see photos of ruins.


To copy pictures for your presentation, right click, choose copy picture and copy to 
pics file

  * To use photos you must ask for permission and use their URL in your bibliography or picture


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