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Roman Numerals

I = 1   V = 5    X = 10    L = 50    C = 100    D = 500    M = 1000

Letters are placed before or after each other to lower or increase their value.

When Romans needed to write the number four, they remembered that four is one less than five and wrote IV. If they wanted to write the number seven, they would remember it was five plus two, written VII.

Here are some examples:

IX = 9   MXI = 1011    MCMLXXXVIII = 1988  IIMM = 1998  

Visit Roman Numerals to complete the math activity and learn how to read Roman numerals.   Print activity.

Now take out a piece of paper and write the Roman numerals for the numbers one through twenty and

Try these  352 ________ 3501________ 45 ________   150 _________    1500_______    2004________       


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