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TNLI: Summer 2003 Institute: IslandWood

Transportation Information

From Seattle Airport to Bainbridge Island/IslandWood

Teachers Network Policy Institute (TNPI) Fellows will want to get their round-trip airplane tickets to Seattle (i.e., Sea-Tac) airport as soon as possible; please know that you are responsible for making all travel arrangements on your own. You will want to plan to be at IslandWood by no later than mid-afternoon of Saturday, July 26th (note: as you will need to travel from the airport to IslandWood, you'll want to plan your time accordingly). Also, you will want to plan your departure from the airport for no earlier than mid-day on Saturday,
August 2nd.

After you arrive at Seattle airport, you will need to catch the ferry to Bainbridge Island (i.e., Colman Dock Ferry Terminal—PIER 52). For your information, we have provided information on the different methods of transportation available for you to get to the ferry terminal from the airport (note: approx. travel time by car is 25 minutes; by bus, 50 minutes). Also, you will want to have about $7 ready to pay for the ferry (you can pay by VISA as well; more info on ferries and rates are available at: www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/index.cfm). Once you have taken the ferry to Bainbridge Island (approximately 35 minutes), we have arranged for a van to pick you up (free-of-charge) and take you (about a ten-minute ride) to IslandWood.

Taxis – at 3rd floor parking garage
Curbside phone, information boards, ground transportation center
Pick up at curbside or reserve – 206-246-9999
Imperial Limousine Service
Call from baggage claim – town car arrives within 5 minutes
Bus Metro Transit – Route 174
Daily airport service every 30 minutes from baggage claim area, Bay 1
(bus goes to 4th Ave. & Cherry, walk 4/10 mile to ferry terminal)
800-542-7876 (or 206-287-8463 automated schedule)
Limos at airport - 3rd floor parking garage
206-431-5904 to arrange
Shuttle Express – shared vans or town car
3rd floor parking garage – courtesy phone
800-487-7433 (or 425-981-7000 when returning home)
$21.25 (van)


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