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TNLI: Summer 2003 Institute: IslandWood
The Agenda
Summer Institute Press Release
(Word document)
IslandWood Fact Sheet


Teachers Network Policy Institute (TNPI)--an initiative of over 150 teachers from ten nationwide affiliates--is designed to connect education policy with classroom practice to improve student achievement. TNPI MetLife Fellows--teachers with full-time classroom teaching responsibilities--research policy issues and develop recommendations, document their work in papers and publications, and disseminate their work locally and nationally. Fellows also conduct action research studies--addressing the direct link between policymaking and its effects on student achievement in their classrooms. More information on TNPI is available at Teachers Network’s premier web site: www.teachersnetwork.org

This summer--from July 26 through August 2nd--all TNPI affiliates will send fellow delegations to participate in a weeklong institute at IslandWood on Bainbridge Island, a 35-minute ferry ride from Seattle. By bringing fellows together nationally, they will be able to exchange ideas, share their work with each other, and build upon what they have done locally. Fellows from new affiliates will also be included in order to build a cadre of founding fellows who are intimately familiar with this work. In addition, during the first couple of days of the institute, affiliate directors and advisors will gather for training and support from TNPI staff and Dr. Frances Rust (head of elementary education, New York University) and Dr. Chris Clark (director of teacher education, University of Delaware), our action research experts. IslandWood is a brand-new 255-acre non-profit environmental learning center; among its most salient features are an entirely self-sustainable eco-system and organic food that is prepared by a four-star chef.

Specifically, the goals of the TNPI 2003 Summer Institute are for current fellows to present their research and for all fellows to learn more about how to do action research; fellows will also work together to hone policy recommendations that result from these findings. Further, the fellows will have the opportunity to become spokespersons for the profession, and meet and hold conversations with high-level policymakers—realizing direct opportunities to have their voices heard. For a major portion of the institute, the group will also focus on generating policy briefs in each of the major themes that emerge from TNPI collective research. These briefs will serve as the jumping-off point to publish/disseminate TNPI work throughout the coming year.

Location for the Summer 2003 TNPI Summer Institute will be IslandWood.


Art Studio


Great Hall

Sleeping Lodge

 Dining Hall

 Private Dining Room

Dining Hall


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