Lesson Three

 Map Making - Island Maps
(map, title, map key and scale, and Internet Aerial Views)

Instructional Objectives:
Students will access the Internet.
Students will gain a better understanding of maps and map making by creating their own maps.
Students will increase their map skills.
Students will use the Internet for telecommunication.

Time Required:
5 ten-fifteen minute sessions for sessions 1-5,  1 fortyfive minute - one hour session for session 6.

Advance Preparation and Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:

Materials/Resources Needed:

Geography, Climate, Maps, People, etc.: http://geographic.org/
Mapblast: http://mapblast.com/myblastd/
Mapquest: http://mapquest.com/
Maps and aerial views: http://maps.com/cgi-bin/magellan/Map_Store___Satellite_MapsGLOBEXP1
Globexplorer: http://globexplorer.com/
Maps 101 (requires subscription): http://maps101.com/

Scale, key, landforms, features,

Session 1 - (I use our adopted Social Studies book, pages G2-G3, Understanding a map)

Session 2 - ( I use our adopted Social Studies Book, page G5, Using a map scale)

Session 3 - (I use our adopted Social Studies book, pages G6-G7, Using a map key) Session 4 - Internet Geography, Climate, Maps, People, etc.: http://geographic.org/
Mapblast: http://mapblast.com/myblastd/
Mapquest: http://mapquest.com/
Maps and aerial views: http://maps.com/cgi-bin/magellan/Map_Store___Satellite_MapsGLOBEXP1
Globexplorer: http://globexplorer.com/
Maps 101 (requires subscription): http://maps101.com/ Session 5 - Brainstorm Tropical Island Places Session 6 - Make map When done the maps can be scanned or photographed to be sent via E-mail to "Keypals"


Extensions or Follow-up (related Special Projects, events):

Take your map home and explain it to your parents, siblings and other relatives. Don't forget to bring it back to school, because you will need it for inspiration when writing your story (lesson four).
Ask your parents if they have any maps that they use and have them show them to you. Look for a title, scale, key and compass rose.

Map- Does the map have the following:
A Title 10 points
A Key 10 points
A Compass Rose 10 points
A Scale 10 points
Good Artwork 10 points
50 points = 100% = A

Illustrative Materials (worksheets, handouts, graphic organizers, photos, maps, and answer keys):
Brainstorm Page (Excel)
Blank Brainstorm Page (Excel)
Location Book Sample

Student Work Samples:

Map One
 Map Two
 Map Three

Lesson One
The Story
Lesson Two
Compass Rose
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Island Stories
Lesson Five
Island Flags

Jessica N. Rivera
November 2002