Lesson One

The Story and an Introduction to Tropical Islands and Puerto Rico

Instructional Objectives:

Time Required:
3 half hour sessions

Advance Preparation and Prerequisites Knowledge/Skills:

Materials/Resources Needed:

Web sites:
Puerto Rico
http://puertorico51.org/imagemap/virtual_tour.htmVirtual Tour
http://odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/rq.html   Fact book
http://puertoricoinfo.com/  Info
http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/caribb/pr.htm   World Atlas
http://welcome.topuertorico.org/   Welcome to Puerto Rico
http://baker-design.com/html/pr_elyunque.htm   Rainforest virtual tour


"Isla" and "Abuela" from the Spanish language (the book contains a glossary of Spanish terms. There are several in the story).
Sparkling, damp, shallow, soaring, jewel, scoop up, zooming, colored, harbor, countryside, snorkeling, syrupy, ripest, chirping.


Session 1 - Video

1. Introduce the video Puerto Rican Heritage, from American Cultures for Children. Schlessinger Video. Tell the students to think about their own experiences and compare them to the children in the video as they watch.

2. Show Video pausing when appropriate for discussion.

3. When the video is over have the students tell about it, discuss the children's ideas and observations with the class, and ask questions as necessary.

4. Explain why they saw this video. This video is an introduction to Puerto Rico and Puerto Rican Americans. We viewed this film because the story we will be reading is about Puerto Rican Americans and an imaginary journey to grandma's island (Puerto Rico).

Session 2 - Story
(This story is in my district's language arts adoption so I use the Teachers Edition as a tool)

1. Building Background and Concept- Ask the children what they know about tropical islands and make a web with the information that the children come up with.

1a. Quickwrite: write a few sentences about whether or not you would like to live on a tropical island.

2.Get more specific-Use a previously prepared Excel template of a Tropical Island Chart with 3 columns (one for animals, one for plants and the other for places)(Brainstorm Page) to record the children's brainstorm on these items. I like to use a videoconverter to display the chart on the TV monitor or an LCD projector, and have one or more of my students fill out the chart as we go. If this is not available to you you can do it on the board. Another option is to print out the template and use it as a ditto to have the children fill out their own. Save these to use with other lessons on map making and storywriting.

3. Vocabulary Strategies- Use vocabulary words in context to have the children figure out the meaning (our district adoption has a transparency with five vocabulary words in context: soaring, jewel, harbor, countryside, sparkling).

3a. Quiz the students on the vocabulary by giving them the definition and having them guess which word it is.

4. Pre-reading strategies-drawing on previous experience. Tell the students to use what they already know to figure out meaning when reading the story.

5. Listen to story on tape (if you have it), and have the students read along with the tape. If you do not have the tape do a read aloud.

6. Discuss the story. Prompt the students with questions.

7. Reread- have the students read silently or in pairs for practice.

Session 3 - Internet

1. Talk about what we are doing

2. Go to Puerto Rico sites and discuss-choose several sites to go to as a class
Sample questions: What things can you see at El Yunque? Is it a rainforest? A town? Both? What are some plants like in this rainforest? What are some birds like in this rainforest? Which was your favorite picture? Why?
http://puertorico51.org/imagemap/virtual_tour.htmVirtual Tour
Temporarily out of service, but a wonderful resource when up
How many smaller islands are surrounding the island of Puerto Rico?
Geography- What is the area of Puerto Rico? What is the Puerto Rico's climate like? What are some natural hazards?
People- What is the population of Puerto Rico? What languajes are spoken in Puerto Rico?
Goverment- What is the capital of Puerto Rico?
Economy- What are some of Puerto Rico's industries?
Communications- How many Internet users are they in Puerto Rico?
Transportation-How many ports and harbors are they in Puerto Rico? Can you name any?
http://odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/rq.html   Fact book
Same types of questions as previous link/site
http://puertoricoinfo.com/  Info
This site is bilingual (Eng/Span) with lots of different topics.
One of the topics is games. Here you can ask Señorita Victoria a question and she will give you your fortune.
You can view beautiful photographs of Puerto Rico in the gallery.
General information on Puerto Rico is available such as: Arts and Crafts, Sports, Weather, etc.
http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/caribb/pr.htm   World Atlas
What currency (money) is used in Puerto Rico?What are the major religions in Puerto Rico? What is the highest point in Puerto Rico? What date and time is it in Puerto Rico?
http://welcome.topuertorico.org/   Welcome to Puerto Rico
Explore Puerto Rico- How many minicipalities are there in Puerto Rico? What are municipalities?Do we have municipalities here? What do we have that is similar to a municipality? Do you know another country that has municipalities? (México)
Here you can find sites such as Ricky Martin's Fan Club (music link) and more. This site is a bit commercial, but it has some good info and links.
Patriotic symbols (in Span) @ http://prtc.net/~migrios/main_frame.htm
http://baker-design.com/html/pr_elyunque.htm   Rainforest (and other) virtual tours

3. Go to aerial views and discuss aerial views and maps and relate to book illustrations

4. Tie it all together.. relate to book

Watch a video on Puerto Rican Americans
Read the story "Isla"
Look at Puerto Rico sites
Grow a pineapple from instructions on @ http://lofthouse.com/hobby/garden/pineapple.html

Extensions or Follow-up (related Special Projects, events):
Write stories about an imaginary journey where you are flying over your own town. What would you see? What would you do? Illustrate the stories in the style of Elisa Kleven's artwork. Make a class book called Flying Over (your Town). My Sample:

Learn more about the author, Arthur Dorros.
Arthur Dorros home page http://arthurdorros.com/
Bibliography http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/dorrosbib.htm
Fan Club http://allscifi.com/Topics/Info_11596.asp
(Teacher Resources http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/dorros.htm)

Learn more about the illustrator, Elisa Kleven.
Elisa Kleven Home Page http://elisakleven.com/
(Teacher resources http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/kleven.htm)
Elisa Kleven Biography http://penguinputnam.com/Author/AuthorFrame?0000014333

Learn more about islands (types and more), and geographical features found on tropical islands (see books and videos in resources).
Learn more about the rainforest (See books and videos in resources).
Learn more about the ocean.
Explore the subject of weather.
Grow a pineapple or other tropical fruit. http://lofthouse.com/hobby/garden/pineapple.html

Investigate: Where your ancestors (or grandma) are from? Bring photographs from home to share with the class, look up the country (city, town, etc.) on the map. Interview an ancestor and present the information to the class. Homework Form

Homework Evaluation
Turned in on time 10 points
Asked all questions (complete) 10 points
Clear record of the answers (handwriting, punctuation, grammar) 10 points
Includes photographs, magazine pictures or drawings 10 points
Sharing (telling the class about it) 10 points
50 points = 100% = A

Illustrative Materials (worksheets, handouts, graphic organizers, photos, maps, and answer keys):
Homework Form
Brainstorm Page

Student Work Samples:
Illustrations and Stories from the extension activities

Flying Picture One
Flying Picture Two
Flying Picture Three
Flying Story One
Flying Story Two
Flying Story Three

Lesson One
The Story
Lesson Two
Compass Rose
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Island Stories
Lesson Five
Island Flags


Jessica N. Rivera
November 2002