Lesson Four

Island Stories

Instructional Objectives:
The students will use the writing process to write a story that goes along with the map they have made of an imaginary island.
The students will use telecommunications to share their work with other students.

Time Required:
1 fifteen to twenty minute session for graphic organizer, 1 fortyfive minute - one hour session for first draft, individual peer-peer or student-teacher time for proofreading and editing, individual computer time for the typing of the final story.

Advance Preparation and Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:

Materials/Resources Needed:

Imaginary, fantasy.

Session One: Graphic organizer

Sessions Two and More: Storywriting After the product is complete:

Use the writing process to create a story about an imaginary island and publish it.

Extensions or Follow-up (related Special Projects,events):

Samples pages of student work in scrapbook journals:

Take your story home and read it to your family. Bring it back to school to create a class book with it.

Story- Does the story have the following:
A Title 10 points
Good Capitalization 10 points
Good Punctuation 10 points
Good Organization 10 points
Creativity 10 points
50 points = 100% = A

Because of the wide range of performance levels in my classroom I grade each child individually adjusting the grade to his/her abilities, yet having high expectations for all.

Alternate Scoring Rubric- Writing rubric

Illustrative Materials (worksheets, handouts, graphic organizers, photos, maps, and answer keys):
Graphic Organizer
Sample of Student Created Map (lesson Three)

Student Work Samples:

Story One
Story Two
Story Three

Lesson One
The Story
Lesson Two
Compass Rose
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Island Stories
Lesson Five
Island Flags

Jessica N. Rivera
November 2002