A Middle School Project for 5th through 8th Grades Integrating Art History and Studio Art Based on California's Visual Art Standards

This web site was designed for teachers to use with their students.

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These lessons are just the beginning of a unit which could be taken much further. Included are many helpful art links that could assist teachers with additional lessons. It's a starting point to take off from.



Table of Contents

First Set of Lessons

Introduction Art History Lesson, Tints and Shades Project

Elements of Art, Warm and Cool Color Name Writing,

Principals of Design, Learn on Web with Worksheet

Second Set of Lessons

Prehistory, Rock Paintings,

Art Elements: texture, line, balance, unity, variety, rhythm, color

Third Set of Lessons

Renaissance and perspective-making landscape paintings learning about neutral colors and value

Baroque and Rembrandt, Portraits

Self Portraits, Elements of Art: value, contrast, form, gesture drawing classroom

Fourth Set of Lessons

Multimedia final project computer lab

Additional Ideas

Using the CD Rom "With Open Eyes" in a Classroom


Grading rubrics


Resources for Art teachers

Student Work

Warning: This link has a lot of pictures and will take a long time to open.


Some of these projects are from additional lessons not included in this project. Prehistory Rock Art, Ancient History Greek Vases, Middle Age Dragons, Multimedia projects