Assessment Strategies


Learning to critique or assess art is a vital part of growth in an artist. Teach your students how to critique themselves, with a partner, in small groups and in large groups. It takes practice and modeling to ensure respectful, beneficial critiquing. Display the artworks. Pin or tape them to a board so you can get a good look. Be sure everyone has a good view. For a large group display you may choose to critique anonymously. Be aware that some students may be uncomfortable displaying their artworks. You may want to begin by invitation. After the critique process feels safe and friendly, more students will want to participate. Set the ground rules for the style of questions, comments and suggestions that are courteous and constructive. Encourage positive phrasing and focus on each strength of an artwork. Be inclusive and try to address each artwork. Avoid words like favorite, the best... Focus on the objectives! Emphasize the learning process rather than the final result. When you are first starting, have students brainstorm and practice appropriate phrasing. Use one of your demos to practice with. Here are some phrases that might help students get started.

1) What really caught my eye was __________.

2) That artwork shows __________ really well.

3) I think __________would improve that artwork.

4) I would like to see more of __________.

5) That artist is really skilled at __________.

6) I am a little confused by __________.

Click here to download an excel rubric for all aspects of art class including behavior.

I have these ideas for excellent work up for display in the art room:

I was creative and had unique solutions to the problems.

I elaborated on the theme.

I experimented.

I remembered and used concepts and techniques from past experiences and assignments.

I took risks.

I experimented with different materials.

I was willing to make changes

I showed my own style

I worked through problems and difficulties.

I had an original idea.

I used my imagination.

I worked independently and didn't disturb others.

I cleaned my work area.

I used all materials in an appropriate fashion.

I thoroughly cleaned my brushes with soap and shook them out and laid them down to dry.

I thought about my composition.

I designed my piece using the elements of art.

My work shows my feelings.

The proportions are correct.

I contrasted with dark and light.

I have a center of interest.






Click here to download an excel rubric.


4 Superior degree of originality throughout; very unique solution; theme has been elaborated upon to a high degree; ability to take initiative in assignment that augments what is learned. Self-initiated. Complex solution. Assignment exhibits great skill/master in manipulation of media and technique used to express creative idea. Assignment clearly exhibits superior understanding and application of elements, principles and expressive elements required to solve problem.

3 Above average degree of originality throughout; theme is present with some elaboration; shows ability to work and think independently. May have sought additional material to accomplish project idea. Assignment exhibits proficiency in manipulation of media and technique used to express creative idea. Assignment exhibits a good ability to utilize elements, principles and expressive elements required to solve problem.

2 Average degree of originality throughout; theme is present with little elaboration; some initiative in working and independent thinking. Assignment exhibits some degree of skill in manipulating of media and technique used to express creative idea. Assignment exhibits several errors in regard to understanding the application and understanding of elements, principles or expressive elements required to solve problem.

1 Below average originality; theme is not fully developed; little initiative in working or thinking independently. Assignment exhibits less than average ability or skill in manipulation of media and technique used to express creative idea. Assignment exhibits a large number of errors in application and understanding of elements, principles or expressive elements required to solve problem.

0 Lack of originality; theme is very weak, trite, stereotypical, copied or traced; very little or no initiative; student waits to be told what to do. Assignment exhibits little or no apparent skills in manipulation of media and technique used to express creative idea. Assignment exhibits no regard to application and understanding of elements, principles or expressive elements required to solve problems.



Beginning (Lowest) Level Of Performance For Objective:

1. Theme of presentation is unclear and/or unfocused.

2. There is little or no organization.

3. There is no supporting information.

4. No thought is put into designing of elements.

5. There is no evidence of historical research.

6. Project is incomplete.

7. Many Spelling, mechanical and grammatical errors.

Developing (Second) Level Of Performance For Objective:

1. Theme of presentation is unclear and/or unfocused.

2. Organization is lacking.

3. Little or no supporting information is included.

4. Design elements are distracting and/or inappropriate.

5. There is little evidence of historical research.

6. Research is inaccurately cited or not cited at all.

7. Spelling, mechanical and grammatical errors distract from information.

Accomplished (Third) Level Of Performance For Objective:

1. Presentation is focused with an obvious theme.

2. Each slide or view is composed to show clearly what is intended.

3. The set of slides or views are organized, sequenced smoothly and supports the main theme with clear examples and evidence.

4. Design elements aid the understanding of the historical and art concepts.

5. Underlying research is accurate and thorough and cited accurately.

6. There are few, if any, grammatical, spelling or mechanical errors.

Mastery (Highest) Level Of Performance For Objective:

1. An outstanding presentation of the theme.

2. Design quality is excellent.

3. Audience is powerfully affected by the presentation.

4. Contains all elements of the third level performance objective.

Link for end of the unit test written in Microsoft Word