Multimedia Presentation

The objectives are: to view several examples of art from different eras of history, to review the concepts taught in previous art classes, to look at one's own art work and write about it using art vocabulary words, and to demonstrate the principles of design through interface design.

Time: At least seven, 45 minute class periods in the computer lab.

Advanced preparation: In order to complete this lesson, the students have to know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint.

To Assess the lesson, use the check-off sheet and see if each requirement is fulfilled. Take one point off for each element that is missing. The grading rubric is on the RUBRICS page of this project.

This project is for the end of the unit to review what the students have learned.

This project serves as one of the final tests for the unit.

Attached to this sentence is a Microsoft Word Document to print out for the students to use as a check off list.

Click here to see a sample student project. (Only a few examples from different eras were covered in this unit. The PowerPoint slide show shows the Greek vases as well as the Medieval dragons. We also made Renaissance and Romanticist landscape paintings as well as Fauve still-life drawings from the Postimpressionist era. The students get to choose their project for the 20th Century segment.)

Here is an example of a slide.