People of Africa

Table of Contents


Mapping Africa

How Do I Look?

People Of Africa

Jambo Means Hello

Photo Safari

Art of Mask Making

Web Links



1. Define the cultural characteristics of a region; e.g. language, traditions/customs, art, music, food.

2. Research a particular tribe and explain their traditional ways of living and how they are different from your customs.

Key Words:






4-5 hours


Microsoft PowerPoint, On-line resources, fact sheet.


1. Introduction:  Tell the students that they are going to study the people of Africa.  Inform them that Africa is considered the place where the first humans lived and learned to use tools.  It is a continent of differences and change.  The people of Africa belong to many different ethnic groups.  Each group has its own belief and customs.  Some groups are as large as a country.  Others are as small as a few villages.  They speak different languages.  Over 800 languages are spoken in Africa.  Many people speak a European language such as English or French as well as their native language.  They live in different places.  Some live in great cities, others in small towns, and others in tiny villages.  

2.  Students are going to select a specific African tribe to research and create a slideshow presentation using PowerPoint.  Each student will produce 5 slides related to specific aspects of their tribes.

3.  Have the students select one of the following African tribes: Masai, Arab, Egyptian, Bushman, Nigerian, Yoruba, Dinka, Ibo, Berbers, Tuaregs, Pygmy, Ashanti or have them visit African Tribes to select one of the tribes listed.

4.  Students will research all aspects of the tribes way of living, including their physical environment, homes, occupations, customs, art, music, foods, languages.

5.  Hand each student a fact sheet to write down their information as they explore the Internet for information.

6.  Once students have gather their information and completed their fact sheet; they are to create a slide for each category of their research (physical environment, political information, economic information, social information, and the arts.

7. Students will share their slideshow during a cultural fest celebrating the tribes of Africa.  


Students were assessed on the different aspects of the project using the rubric below.

Quality of Research (20 points)
   (accuracy, completeness)

PowerPoint Slideshow (50 points)
   (neatness, creativity, clarity, technical proficiency, graphics, selection of information)

Presentation (30 points)
   (clarity, organization, elaboration)

Extension Activities:

Culminate the study of Africa with a cultural festival.  Create a cultural fest by having students dress in authentic tribal costumes.  Have students create and publish an African cookbook using Microsoft Publisher or Word and bring samples to share and taste.  Collaborate with the Music instructor to have students play African folk/tribal music using hand-made instruments. Create a display of African masks and art work.

Web Links:

PBS: Africa-Explore the Region: multimedia resource site on African culture, with reference information, photos, and videos.

Africa On-Line: reference information on African people and culture.

Gateway Africa: searchable site on African tribes.

The Peoples of Africa: thinkquest of African tribes and cultures.