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TeachnetNYC: A Mask for All Seasons
Home | student web gallery of masks | web page logos of student thumbnail sketches for masks

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"Wintry Dreams"                   

      My seasonal mask's season is winter. It represents invigorating cold, whipping winds, icy, blizzard, deep sleep and dreams.

      The white side of the mask represents the ice and blizzard. The blue side and blue patterns represent the invigorating cold and whipping winds. Finally, the closure of the eyes in silver and blue glitter represents the deep sleep and dreams.


                              "Snow White"

        My mask represents  winter. It shows the fresh crisp cold air of my season. The flowers show deep sleep and sweet dreams. The closed eyes show tiredness, whipping winds, and future for excitement. The pink lips show burst of energy and exhilaration. The blue side show blizzards and the white shows gentle winds and just a little snow. The flower on the cheek represents delicate flakes. The glitter all over are longings.



        For my seasonal mask, I did the season of fall. On my mask the color of green  represents the leaves. The orange on my mask represents the sun setting in the fall season. The yellow represents the fiery gold of the sky when the sun sets.


                        "Bouncing Spring"

       My mask was made to represent the season spring. I used many different colors because of the many varieties of flowers that grow in the Spring. I used glitter on the flowers and leaves to enhance the beauty of how everything blooms during this time of year.


                   "The One of Beauty Spring"

      My mask was made to describe the motion and warm, blossomy feeling of spring. In my mind I feel a butterfly brush against my face; I see flowers blossom in front of my eyes. I hear the wind calmly blow against the green grass and brightly colored sunflowers. This is my feeling of spring.


                         "Snowy Winter"

       I  did the season of winter. On my mask there were the colors of metallic blue, dark blue, and silver. The blues represent cold, fierce winds, slippery ice, and enforcing blizzards. The silver on my mask represents snow. The glitter represents the shimmering in the snow falling.



                 "Wintery Breeze"

       My mask represents winter. The shimmering blue paint shows the breeze. The big snowflake shows that in the season there is snow and that it's snowing. The silver shows ice in winter.


                         "Sadness in Winter"

            My mask shows winter. The silver and blue shows the freezing cold. The clear glitter on the mask represents icicles and the tear drop that is the silver glitter shows the sadness in the mask.


                         "Fiery Winter"

                     For my seasonal mask, I chose to represent winter. To accurately show winter, I used different shades of blue, to represent the season's temperature, in patterns that show gusting winds, and other unique features. Another special feature of the mask is the unique" blue fire" to show winter's powerful force. Metallic silver is used in my background to show the cool, slick existence of winter. My mask is a unique, unusual representation of the winter season.



                  "First Day"


      My mask represents the first day of spring. The air is clean, crisp, and fresh. There is a butterfly flying. The flowers are blooming and a rainbow is seen across the sky. Everything is beautiful and is brightly colorful.


                        "Crowning Spring"

                           My mask is based on spring. To decorate it, I used a "peachy-pink" color and made the lips voluptuous colored with pink. A glitter sun decorates the left cheek while a tear drop drips on the right eye. The eyes are made of blue and pink and are topped with a pearl on each side. A beautiful display of flowers crowns the head. The flowers are sparkled with glitter and are accompanied by leaves. It think my mask best rays spring rather than any other seasons because spring is my favorite season. The flowers are out, the air is fresh and the weather is beautiful. The spring I represent has a crisp feeling to it.


                         " Painful Winter"

                             My mask is represented by winter. It's an evil mask with large eyebrows and evil eyes. It has a history of bringing death to anyone who owns it. It started when an Indian cursed the mask. Because it was so valuable everyone wanted it. The Indian's daughter own it and the people who wanted it killed the Indian's daughter for it. From then on, the mask  was cursed.


                         "Falling Leaves"

                           My mask represents fall. The yellow and orange paint on the mask  represents the color of the landscape in fall. The leaves represents the leaves turning yellow and red in this season. The streamers show the leaves falling to the ground, as they all do during this season.


                         "Winter War Mask"

      My mask is for the season of winter. I have used winter-like colors such as, light blue, dark blue, and silver. I have added a colored beard to make the effect of icicles. I also have all different kinds of  snow flakes painted on its face.


                        "Spring and Summer of War"

      My mask represents spring and summer. The ribbon hangs and flows to represent the wind. The green and yellow represent the new flowers being born. The orange represents the heat of the summer. The flower represents spring and summer, when the flowers grow.


                        " Abominable Snow Mask"

               My mask is based on the winter season. I have used cool blues and a sparkly white to symbolize the coldness of winter, and the snowflake on my mask's forehead is just an extra hint hat the season is winter. I think that the colors are pleasing to the eye and give a "cold" effect.


                        "Bountiful Seasons"

         In my mask, I showed all the seasons. For spring, there are leaves found in the green section. Summer is shown through the mixture of warm colors of that season. Fall is located in the bright autumn leaves. Finally, the winter season is shown through the icy cold eyebrows.


                         " Summer Rainbow"

      My mask is summer. I put a rainbow over the face to show the summer colors, then I have a purplish blue color over the rest of the mask. That describes a bright weird color. Which can refer back to summer because  summer is very bright and sunny.


                      "Fiery Summer"

         I chose to do my mask on summer because it is my favorite season. I showed it by using the warm colors that represent the heat of the sun and summer. I decorated my mask by using reds, oranges, and yellows; showing flames and gold and red glitter. I chose to decorate it this way because I wanted to show the warmth and feeling of the sun and summer.


                        "Sunny Summer"

      I did my mask on the season of summer. My mask is orange with gold sparkles around the lips and under the eyes. There is a shape of the sun on its forehead and around it is gold sparkles. The eyes and lips are painted gold.


                        "Winter Wind"

      My mask represents the winter. I made the hair out of icicles which represents frozen water. I used icy blues and lavenders to depict the freezing over of flesh and life. I covered my mask with glitter in order to show the snow glistening in the moonlight in the frigid winters' night. I made the eyes large and dark to represent the nothingness that creeps into nature's soul and the harshness that makes all life die and go into hibernation.


                         "Old Man Winter"

      My mask represents winter. I tried to create winter by making my mask look like an old man. I figured that it would be Old Man Winter. I gave him a beard and a mustache and a star on his forehead. Winter reminds me of this, and more.





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