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Who Eats Who: A Food Chain WebQuest

Teacher Page



     The unit begins with students selecting their roles in cooperative groups, with the goal of researching, creating, and illustrating food chains native to this deserted island in the South Pacific.  The students know what their assignment is after reading the task, and go on to the Introductory Assignment.  The students will then research what a food chain is, and select a habitat for their group.  Using a variety of websites, the students will organize their research to create possible food chains for their habitat.  Using a web drawing program such as KidPix or HyperStudio the students will illustrate the food chain.  As a culminating activity the group will make a book with the research, animal and plant life of their habitat, and at least two possible food chains.  Projects will be shared in oral presentations and the books will be available to be read by the other groups.
     This unit is designed for children of grades 3-5, but may be adapted for students older or younger, depending on their computer knowledge and writing ability.  The students can work on this in their classroom (as long as there is computer access), library, or a computer lab.  Students use a group checklist to evaluate their progress, and their is a scoring rubric for the teacher to rate the WebQuest.




1.   Students use information technology to navigate, gather, analyze, organize, and present information related to food chains.
2.  Students participate in group meetings to research, discuss, and evaluate information related to food chains found on the World Wide Web.
3.  Students interpret and synthesize information to produce a research report about food chains in various habitats.
4.  Students prepare and deliver oral presentations regarding an originally designed food chain.
5.  Students will demonstrate understanding of big ideas and unifying concepts.
6.  Students will demonstrate understanding of science as a human endeavor.
7.  Students will ask questions about natural phenomena; objects and organisms; and events and discoveries.
8.  Students will identify problems; propose and implement solutions; and evaluate the accuracy, design, and outcomes of investigations.
9.  Students will work individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas.
10.  Students will use technology and tools to gather data and extend the senses.
11.  Students demonstrate understandings of organisms and their environments



The following books can enhance the research experience:

1.  Journey Through a Tropical Jungle  by Adrian Forsyth, Silver Burdett Press, 1993

2.  Wonders of the Rain Forest  by Janet Craig,  Troll Associates, 1990

3.  All About Islands  by Wendy Rydell, Troll Associates, 1984

4.  Our Planet- Swamps  by Sheila Gore, Troll Associates  1994

5.  What is a Biome?  by Bobbie Kalman,  Crabtree Publishers, 1998

6.  What Are Food Chains and Webs?  by Bobbie Kalman,  Crabtree Publishers, 1998

7.  Who Eats What?  Food Chains and Food Webs  by Patricia Lauber , Harper Collins, 1995

8.  Oceans  by Cally Oldershaw,  Troll Associates, 1994

9.  The Coral Reef  by Sue Beauregard and Jill Fairchild, Cypress Press, 1977

10.  The Magic School Bus on the  Ocean Floor  by Joanna Cole, Scholastic, 1992

11.  Wonders of the Pond  by Francene Sabin,  Troll Associates, 1982

12.  Rain Forest Animals in Their Habitats  by June Randolph,  National Geographic, 2004

13.  What's Down There? Questions and Answers About the Ocean  by Dinah Moche, Scholastic, 1984





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