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Exploratory Teaching I

Exploratory Teaching I

Syllabus 2nd nine weeks





We will begin Modular 3, Social Issues in Education.

The goal of this section, Schools as Social Institutions, is to provide the students with an overview of the social problems/issues that face schools today, and how we as educators deal with these problems/issues.

The student will:

  • Analyze problems such as child abuse, substance abuse, teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease that place children at risk.
  • Identify educational initiatives aimed at at-risk students.
  • Describe the effects of changing family children and schools.
  • Discuss the role of the media in shaping students attitudes and influencing their behavior.

ESOL strategies used during this module: A6,A7, B5, B17, C1,C2, C3, C7, C8, E6,E16, E18, F2, F3, G11, D5

Read What are the aims of education today?


Journal Thoughts: How could your participation in the Exploratory Teaching Program provide "social change"?




Read What are the aims of education today?


Complete activities I and II

Journals due

2.7 due

2 3/30 In field Learn vocabulary  
3 3/31 In field Complete activity I  
4 4/1 In field Complete your journal: Write a paragraph about your internship this week. Fill in the information about your attendance, ask your mentor to sign your journal.  
5 4/2 In field    
6 Week 2 4/13

Read 3.2 Describing Schools


Journal Thoughts:Describe the "classroom culture" of the class that you mentor in

Complete activities 3.2 1.2

Journals Due

activities I and II for modular 3 are due.

7 4/14 In field Learn vocabulary  
8 4/15 In field Complete activity 1 and 2  
9 4/16 In field Complete your journal: Write a paragraph about your internship this week. Fill in the information about your attendance, ask your mentor to sign your journal.  

Week 3


Read 3.3

Journal Thoughts:What "social issues in education" must your teacher deal with, if any....or does your teacher strictly deal with "academic growth"?



Journal due

3.2 due

11 4/20

In field

12 4/21

Learn vocabulary

In field

13 4/22 Complete activity 2 Complete your journal: Write a paragraph about your internship this week. Fill in the information about your attendance, ask your mentor to sign your journal.  
14 4/23

Journal thoughts: Examine classroom events or student behaviors that make you and/or your teacher angry?



Journals due

activities foe 3.3 due


Week 4


Read 3.4 for meeting

Work in field



16 4/27 In field 3.4 activity 1  
17 4/28

In field

Journal thoughts: Journal thoughts: Examine classroom events or student behaviors that make you and/or your teacher angry.


Holiday Project!

3.4 activity 2



Week 5


In field Complete your journal: Write a paragraph about your internship this week. Fill in the information about your attendance, ask your mentor to sign your journal.



19 4/30 In field  





Meeting 3.5,3.6,3.7

Complete 3.6


3.4 due

Journals due

21 5/4

complete 3.7

In field

22 5/5

Complete journal

Journal Thoughts:Examine ways that your classroom exemplifies characteristics of a successful school.

In field

Complete your journal: Write a paragraph about your internship this week. Fill in the information about your attendance, ask your mentor to sign your journal.

Journals due

3.5,3.6,3.7 due


Week 6



In field


Complete your journal: Write a paragraph about your internship this week. Fill in the information about your attendance, ask your mentor to sign your

3.5,3.6,3.7 due

Journals due

24 5/7

Read 3.8 Hazing

complete the assignment

In field

Journal thoughts: How is hazing relevant to specific school programs?


3.5,3.6,3.7 due

Journals due

25 5/10

complete the assignment

In field

26 5/11 In field    
27 5/12 In field Complete your journal: Write a paragraph about your internship this week. Fill in the information about your attendance, ask your mentor to sign your journal  

Week 7






29 5/14


Read 4.1

The students will organize and write a simple lesson plan.

II. Specific Learner Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the unit, the student should be able to:

Understand the purpose of a lesson plan
1. Be able to write objectives
2. Be able to list materials needed
3. Create an opening exercise
4. Create a motivator
5. Write questions following the methods of Bloom's Taxonomy
6. Check for understanding during the lesson
7. Summarize and assess the lesson

ESOL Strategies:

A7,B3,C1,C2,C6,C7,D2, D5, E3, E6, E24,G11

complete the assignments

Work in field

Journal Question: Elaborate ways that planning the lesson enhances classroom control.


Journals due

308 due

30 5/17


Work in field

31 5/18

Learn the vocabulary

Work in field

32 5/19      

Week 8


Read 4.1

The students will organize and write a simple lesson plan.

II. Specific Learner Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the unit, the student should be able to:

Understand the purpose of a lesson plan
1. Be able to write objectives
2. Be able to list materials needed
3. Create an opening exercise
4. Create a motivator
5. Write questions following the methods of Bloom's Taxonomy
6. Check for understanding during the lesson
7. Summarize and assess the lesson

ESOL Strategies:

A7,B3,C1,C2,C6,C7,D2, D5, E3, E6, E24,G11

complete the assignments

Journal thoughts: What would happen if the teacher did not plan the lesson?

Work in field

Complete your journal: Write a paragraph about your internship this week. Fill in the information about your attendance, ask your mentor to sign your journal  
34 5/21

In field



Journals due

35 5/24 Exam I/projects seniors   Journals due
36 5/25 In field    
37 5/26






Week 9

Read 4.2

Complete the questionnaire

using the answer sheet

In field/senior exams

Journal thoughts:Do you believe that people have different learning styles?


Lesson Plans due

journals due

39 5/28 In field/Senior exams    
40 6/1 In field/Make-up Exams    
41 6/2 In field    
42 6/3      


Week 10

44 6/7 Exams    
45 6/8

Read and complete 5.2

Upon completion of this module, the learner will have a better understanding of what impact multicultural education has on teaching.


Esol strategies:

A7,B3,C1,C2,C6,C7,D2, D5, E3, E6, E24,G11

Read and complete 5.1

Work in field



47   Recruiting project    


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