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Bug Web: Research Questions

Name _______________________________

Research for

"I've got that Geometry Bug!"

DUE: ___________________


Directions: Type your answers to these questions. (25 points)

  1. What is a common insect that has only one pair of wings?
  2. What is the job of the spiracles on an insect?
  3. Why isn't the blood of an insect red?
  4. Draw a line down the center of an insect. What do you notice about both sides of the line? What geometrical term is used to describe this characteristic?
  5. The mouth parts of an insect can be put into two major types -
    • biting and chewing 
    • sucking, which can also include piercing or lapping.
    How does this affect the geometry of the insect's mouth structure? Give two examples of insects with each type of mouth structure.
  6. The six legs of an insect are not always identical. Why is this? What kinds of adaptations are made for different types of tasks such as jumping, flying, crawling, etc.?
  7. Often times we look as insects at things that "bug you" or are a nuisance, but they are an important part of the world around you. Why are insects important in our world?
  8. What are polygons? What does it mean to have a closed polygon? a simple polygon? a regular polygon?
  9. List the names for the polygons with 3, 4, 5, ... 15 sides. Then find a polygon with more than 15 sides and write its name.
  10. What is an interior angle of a polygon? Is there a formula for finding the measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon? If so, write it making sure to define the variables.
  11. Artists often use geometry when asked to draw or sculpt their impressions of something. Find an artist or two who seems to use geometry to create sculpture. Include
    • their name(s),
    • the names of some of their art pieces and when they were created,
    • how they used geometry in their art,
    • their style and/or the art movement that they are associated with, and
    • the source(s) of your information.
  12. How does geometry influence the lives of biologists and artists? Why would knowing and being able to work with geometry make artists' work more interesting and sometimes easier?

Project Description
Research Questions
Student Work

Bug Web was created by Nancy Powell and Cathy Denbesten for their geometry classes.  Nancy is a former Teachers Network web mentor.


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