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Bug Web: Scott's Bug Project

I've got that GeScott's Bug Project

By Scott

Mrs. Powell's Honor's Geometry

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A Bug’s Story

    My bug’s name is Hepy, because his body is a heptagon. He has big eyes, is very colorful, and has silver wings. His beak is a triangle with three sides. The head is also a triangle with three sides. His eyes are two big circles and his thorax is somewhat of a heptagon that has seven sides. His abdomen is a quadrilateral that has four sides.

    The main concept of this bug is that it is fast, quick and aerodynamic. I gave him a triangular beak so he can get his tongue into a flower very easily to get nectar the way a butterfly does. I gave him a triangular head to make him aerodynamic when flying. I gave my bug a heptagon body. The thorax is a heptagon and the abdomen is a quadrilateral. I gave my bug these shapes because the total body is aerodynamic and attaches to the head very well. The legs are ovals with flat ends on them and therefore attached to the thorax. The segments of the legs meet at an acute angle at the body and then spread out to obtuse angles.

    Hepy lives in a Tropical Rainforest where he flies to different flowers sucking the nectar though its beak for food. The bright colors help him in two ways. One is that the bright colors attract the female insects so he can find a mate easily. The colors also warn predators that he is very poisonous to eat. His big eyes allow him to see well at night so he can get away from predators like bats. The best part though is his silver wings. They are fast and strong so he can move quickly if needed.

    One of geometrical challenges he faces is that since his beak is a sucking structure he can’t eat plants and leaves. Also, because he doesn’t have sticky legs, he can’t land upside down on walls and plants. The last challenge he has is that he can’t swim or get wet because if his wings get wet than he can’t fly anywhere until they dry off. Hepy has a great life as this speedy, colorful, flying bug.


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