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Daily Classroom Special
Critter Corner: The Buzz: Past Issues: Volume 2, Issue 2  

About this Daily Classroom Special
Critter Corner allows teachers and students to learn and share experiences about organisms that can be kept in the classroom. Critter Corner is maintained by Judith Jones, teacher at East Chapel Hill High School (NC) and Teachers Network web mentor. E-mail Judith. Make sure to visit Judy's other Daily Classroom Special, The Time Travel Interviews with Famous Scientists

The Buzz  


Past Issues

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

The Buzzzzzzzzzzz
Catch the Buzz
You have questions

Judy has answers

Wasp Eggs, Cane Toad, Meal Worms

Subject: Re: Cheryl W.
From: Rolanda S.

Dear Judy,

In your response to the letter from Cheryl W., you remarked about the larvae being infected with wasp eggs. Last week or so NPR's All things Considered (I think it was in the afternoon) had an article about this project to rid areas of kudzu. When asked about the infestation of wasps, the response was that 'these particular tiny creatures prey on pest insects and 'Who's gonna complain about that?'

I've enjoyed reading your questions and answers in Ctritter's Corner. Thank you.

Rolanda S.
6th grade exceptional education
Henderson Middle School
Richmond, VA

Dear Rolanda,

Thank you for your nice reply. I wish I had heard the NPR special on kudzu. It is very true that the wasps that are hatched are very small! I suppose that they would pose no problem. They are not like those giant stinging wasps that we all try to avoid. Hope you continue to enjoy Critter's Corner.

Judy Jones

Subject: Cane Toad
From: Rodney & Kathleen S.

Hello Judith

I am Kathleen S.... and I am deaf. Well, I would like to have some information about Cane Toads as my daughter is doing a project on them. I tried to print out your information from the internet and it refused to print out and jammed the printer and computer waiting to print without any luck. So could you send me an email copy of your information on your homepage about Cane Toad....

Many thanks
Kathleen S.

Dear Kathleen,

Here is the information on the Cane Toads. I hope this works for you. I am sorry to be slow. Our school started on the 18th of August and I have been too busy to read my email. Wish your daughter good luck on her project!

Judy Jones

Subject: Maggots Problem
From: Josh in Singapore

Hi there,

Recently I bought 3 kg plus of mealworms and I separated them in a few small containers and the rest I placed in a tray which was alot. I fed the mealworm in the tray with dead lizards, all the dead stuff and after two weeks, I was so shocked to see big size maggots crawling in the tray and below was a breeding of millons of tiny maggots. I separated them in other containers and this time around (there was) no more dead stuff but again maggots were in it.

Have you ever got this kind of problem when you first started breeding mealworms?

Please help me to understand why this occur? How can I breed them in a proper way with no maggots? Thanks so much!

Yours sincerely

Dear Josh,

Wow! All those maggots! You MUST have been surprised. Actually, dead lizards are going to draw flies which would lay eggs in the dead material and then the eggs would develop into maggots which are just the larvae of various kinds of flies.

To avoid this, it is best to feed your mealworms raw bran and other grains and vegetable matter and to keep them away from any source of flies. I have never had this problem, but I keep my mealworms in a classroom.

Another hint is to keep a very fine screen mesh top over your mealworm container. This will help keep the flies out so that they cannot lay eggs.

What are you raising the mealworms for? Good luck with your efforts!

Judy Jones


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