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Adaptor Grants Home:
Teachers Network: Adaptor Grants: Brush Up On Your Teeth

Adapted By:
Shannon Wood

This is Ms. Wood's 3rd year teaching 3rd grade at PS 124. She was also lucky enough to student teach at PS 124!

P.S. 124
New York, NY


I introduced the unit with a shared reading in the form of a poem for the class to read together and start thinking about: Why do you think it is important to take care of your teeth? http://canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems38.html The Toothbrush Song (to the tune of Row,Row, Row Your Boat)

Brush, brush, brush your teeth,
Brush them everyday.
We put toothpaste on our brush
To help stop tooth decay.

Floss, floss, floss your teeth.
Floss them every day!
Using the string to clean between
Keeps the plaque away!

Clean, clean, clean your teeth.
Clean them every day!
Your teeth will sparkle for years to come
In the most beautiful way!

Brush, brush, brush your teeth.
Brush them every day!
Happy, healthy teeth you'll have
If it's done this way.

I also used the books Tooth Decay and Cavities by Dr. Alvin Silverstein and Open Wide Tooth School Inside by Laurie Keller

Instructional Objectives

Understand the importance of dental hygiene.

Understand steps to proper dental hygiene (softly brushing teeth and tongue, flossing, rinsing).

Understand all the parts of our mouth/teeth (molar, premolars, canines, gums, incisors, canines, root, crown, enamel, dentin, pulp, and cementum).

Understand what tooth decay is and what it can do to your mouth.

Determine foods that can keep the mouth healthy.

Educate a family member about good dental health based on students' findings.

Go through the process of teaching someone else.

Technology Integration

In their reading partnerships students visited the computer labs where they collected data on how to help their teeth. The information they gathered became part of their healthy teeth poster. Healthy Teeth and Living!

Directions: You will work side-by-side with your reading partner. Take notes in your own words, share information, try your best, and have fun! How to start:

1. Go to the school web site at: http://ps124.org/.

2. On the left side bar click on staff.

3. Scroll down to Shannon Wood and click on my name.

4. Select the category Teeth Sites.

5. Click on any of the following links to gather information on how to have healthy teeth or for fun facts about teeth!





While researching keep in mind the following questions:

1. What is tooth plaque?
2. What causes it?
3. How can I prevent it and not get cavities?
4. What foods can I eat to help keep my mouth healthy?
5. What will happen to my teeth and mouth if I don’t take care of them?


Did the student list the importance of maintaining healthy teeth.

Was the student eager to research.

Did the student share their data.

Did the student teach others about their findings.

Tips for Teachers

This unit is crucial for all ages because it teaches how to develop good dental health and healthy eating habits. Therefore, it could lead into lessons on maintaining a healthy life, the importance of exercising and how to improve energy levels. In addition, this unit can be adapted to lower and upper grades. The following resources were used in the students' research: Katz, Bobbi. Make Way for Tooth Decay. Scholastic, 1999. Keller, Laurie. Open Wide Tooth School Inside. Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2000. Sears, William M.D. Sears, Martha R.N. and Christie Watts Kelly, Eat Healthy, Feel Great. Little Brown Company, Boston 2002. Silverstein, Alvin MD. and Virginia Silverstein. Tooth Decay and Cavities. Grolier Publishing, 1999.

Student Work Samples

Click on each thumbnail to see a full-screen version.



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