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Adaptor Grants Home:
Teachers Network: Adaptor Grants: What's The Matter?
Adapted By:
Margaret Sodamade

Ms. Sodamade is a science teacher at PS 35. She has taught science for the past eight years in the same school. She teaches kindergarten through fourth grades. Ms. Sodamade is certified in common branches. She graduated from York College In Queens, New York and received a Masters degree from Adelphi University in Garden City, New York.

P.S. 35
Bronx, NY


I looked at this unit critically and adapted it by helping my students look into how matter can be broken down and represented by different scales.

Instructional Objectives

Students will be able to use Lego pieces to make moving parts of matter.

They will be able to research the nano, micro and macro sizes of different objects.

They will represent a nano, micro, and macro sizes in the objects they build and on a scale.

They will build planets, a pengiun and a human, identifying the nano, micro, and the macro parts in each.

Technology Integration

The students used technology to do their research. They used the Internet to find information on the nano, micro, and macro size objects. They also typed their work on the computer. My students used the following websites



I limited them to only these two since they are only second graders. We read the print out and tried to make meaning of them. This gave them some ideas about nano size object.


Students were asked to present their work to an audience. They were able to describe their projects refering to the nano, micro, and macro sizes in the Lego pieces they put together. They were then evaluated according to how well they presented their project. I assessed their work using the criteria which included: making a model and describing the scale, comparing the nano, micro, and the macro sizes to one another. They also made posters.

Tips for Teachers

This unit can be adapted to use with all subjects. It is also suitable for all grades. You only need to modify it to suit your objectives and purpose. This unit can be adapted in different ways. It can be adapted to other learning areas that help students to use technology to do research, compare objects, connect science and technology, and use models of simple objects to explain biological concepts.

Student Work Samples

Click on each thumbnail to see a full-screen version.



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