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Adaptor Grants Home:
Teachers Network: Adaptor Grants: Show Me the Money
Adapted By:
Jennifer Call

Entering the teaching profession has provided me many opportunities to work in various places in the world. I began my teaching career as a second grade teacher in Allentown, PA. After a couple of years of teaching in this traditional setting, I entered the Peace Corps in Armenia. In Armenia, I taught ESL classes. When I returned to the United States, I moved to Washington D.C. Here, I taught my first kindergarten class. Presently, I am a kindergarten teacher at P.S. 35.

Bronx, NY


The original project was designed for 3rd–5th grade students. Therefore, I had to make modifications for my kindergarten class.

1. Coins were limited to pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
2. Going to the "Candy Store” replaced the mock checkbook activity. Both activities required the students to use money to make purchases.

Instructional Objectives

The students will be able to identify the monetary value of a penny, nickel, and dime.

The students will be able to arrange coins in their appropriate place on a pictograph.

The students will be able to calculate the proper amount of money needed to purchase their candy.

The students will learn how to enhance a PowerPoint presentation.

Technology Integration

1) Students watched the video Dr. Rock's Math Adventures: Counting Money to learn about money. You can access this video via PowerMediaPlus.com if you are a member.

2) Students learned how to enhance slides in a PowerPoint presentation. They had to enhance their presentation by adding titles and clip art, using WordArt, and coloring slides in their presentation. Note: Our technology teacher, Ms. Walker, applied the designer effects to the pictures in the presentation. Our school’s computers do not have designer effect software so the students were not able to make these enhancements.


1. Students had to identify the monetary value of pennies, nickels, and dimes.

2. Students had to be able to calculate the proper amount of money needed to purchase their candy with 100% accuracy.

3. Students had to accurately complete the “Handful of Coins” pictograph.

Tips for Teachers

1. Provide students an opportunity to make purchases. For young students, you could have them purchase “penny candy.”

2. As the author recommended, pre-test your students to determine their knowledge of money.

Student Work Samples

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