Famous Landmarks              


  • Students will be able to apply basic map and globe skills.

  • Students will be able to calculate time zones.

  • Students will use their knowledge to solve math problems.

 Key Words:

time zone, latitude, longitude


 1-2 class periods

 Materials: I

world map, time zone map, handouts, computers, printer, Internet, Microsoft Word (table)


  1. Have the student look at the classroom class.  Ask a student to tell the class what time the clock shows. Write the time on the board.

  2. Using a world map, point to a major city around the world.  Ask the class what time they think it is there?  Write the students responses on the board. 

  3. Inform the class that depending on your location on the Earth, the time of day is different.

  4. Explain to the class that time zones were establish because as the Earth orbits the sun, different places are experiencing different times of the day based on the amount of sunlight they are exposed to.

  5. Provide each student a copy of the time zone map.  Explain to the class that in 1884 an international conference in England establish the time zones still used today. Explain the the students the history of the time zones. Inform the class that the U.S. has six time zones and the world is divided into twenty-four standard zones.

  6. Review with the students the time zone map.  Explain that each zone is one hour different from those on either side if it.

  7. Post the following scenario on the board and have the student solve the problem using their time zone map. (If Mister Panda leaves Tokyo, Japan at 4:00pm on a plane and travels for six hours to Cairo, Egypt. At what time would he arrived in Cairo time. ( 7 hour difference, arrives at 3:00pm)

  8. Discuss the answer to the question with the class.

  9. Inform the class the using the time zone map they will be solving some time zone problems.  Give each student a copy of the time zone worksheet.

  10. On day 2, review the answers to the time zone practice worksheet. Discuss how the students were able to determine the time using  the map.

  11. Inform the class that they will be creating a table, using a word processor program to show the travels of Mister Panda.  Give each student a copy of Mister Panda's travels.  Using the time zone converter site, have the students create and complete the chart.


Chart rubric

Extension Activity:

Using the time zone map, assign each students several cities around the world.  Have the students create an itinerary for their travels.

Create a large room sized  map of the United States or the World based on the time zones.  Assign each student a state or country. Have the student consult the time zone map and move to the time zone represented by their state or country.

Suggested Web Links:

The World Clock Standard Version:  shows the current time in the cities all over the world.

Date and Time Gateway: date and time gateway for countries around the world.

Local Times Around the World: list all the countries around the world with a pointer to the local time in the region.

The World Time Server:  get correct and current world times.

Official U.S. Time: U.S. map with time zones.

Time Zone Converter: Tells time anywhere in the world.