Famous Landmarks                                                                                           




  • Students will be able to explore a country and its culture through its national landmarks.

  • Students will be able to use technology tools to research a famous landmark.

  • Students will be able to demonstrate research skills by creating a brochure of their landmark.

 Key Words:

landmarks, monuments, geography, traditions, civilizations


2-3 class periods


Internet, computers, printer, word processor (Microsoft Word)


  1. Begin a discussion with students about national landmarks by asking students what they know about the Statue of Liberty.  Explain that the Statue of Liberty is one example of a national landmark.

  2. Explain that the United States has about 2,300 National Historic Landmarks, all significant to the history and culture of the United States.

  3. Tell the students that all countries have national landmarks.  These landmarks often represent and symbolize the culture of a country.

  4. Discuss with students why people build these structures.

  5. Have students brainstorm a list of other landmarks in the United States and the World.( Mount Rushmore, Sphinx, Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, Coliseum, Leaning Tower, Parthenon, etc.

  6. Explain to the students that they are going to research a country other than the United States, focusing on that country's national landmarks. 

  7. Students may choose or be assigned a specific country.

  8. Inform the students that to assist in gathering information they are to complete a landmark survey based on their research.

  9. After students have completed their landmark survey.  Inform the students that they will use this survey to create a brochure of their landmark.  Provide students with samples of travel brochures from local travel agencies or national consulates.

  10. All brochures must include the name of the country, name of the landmark, physical dimensions of the landmark, whether it is natural or man-made, 2-3 additional interesting facts, such as when it was built?, why it was built? How does it reflect the country's culture? and graphics/pictures

  11. Using Microsoft Word brochure template or other program template, students are to design and create their brochures.

  12. Students will share their completed brochures to the class.  Display landmark brochures in a travel section of Media Center, along with related literature and resources.

  13. Follow-up: Discuss some of differences and similarities of these landmarks.


Brochure rubric

Extension Activity:

Create a PowerPoint or Web Page of the famous landmarks.

Write a riddle to solve the identity of the famous landmark.

Create a "Where in the World" game based on famous landmarks/monuments.

Create a world map identifying the location of the famous landmarks.

Create a postcard for each famous landmark.

Suggested Web Links:

Famous Landmarks: comprehensive collection of panoramic virtual tours of famous landmarks.

Wonders of the World: alphabetical listing of some Forgotten, Modern, and Natural Wonders.

CIA Factbook: detail information of countries of the world

Landmark photos: stock photos of notable landmarks

Great Buildings: online multimedia encyclopedia of world architecture

Country Studies: reports on more than 70 countries from the Library of Congress.

Geographia: great site with information on the people, history, wildlife, and points of interest for countries and regions around the world.

Yahooligans-Countries around the World: complete list of links to countries around the world.