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Technology 101: Five: Build an Implementation Plan

About this Daily Classroom Special
Technology 101 provides pointers, strategies and suggestions for helping your school design a technology plan that meets the needs of members of your learning community. Technology 101 was written by Peggy Wyns-Madison, a former Teachers Network web mentor.

Five: Build an Implementation Plan

Setting your goals is a big step, but now you have to determine which goals should be addressed first. A subcommittee could work on priortizing the goals or a rating sheet could be distributed for each committee member to complete. By rating goals H-high, M-medium, and L-low, you can begin to organize goals into categories. Some schools have a curriculum and instruction integration plan or a comprehensive education plan which establishes the major goals for education in the school community. Use your education plan as a starting point for sorting goals. Think about how the curriculum you have in place can be enhanced with technology. Do take a look at your partnerships. Since your committee includes members from the community, you should consider the goals that will mesh with your partners. Your goals and your partners' goals may fall into three areas: shared goals, independent goals and conflicting goals.

Shared goals:
Your school wants to increase the library usage. The library in your community may work together with you on establishing links between your school library and the local branch. Through automated technology, students could check out books from their local branch via the school library. Or students could have their books featured in a local branch activity featuring authors in the community.

Independent goals:
Your school wants to create a website. You want the work displayed to be authentic and opt not to use a professional internet service provider. The software developer who also sits on the committee is looking at ways to provide financial resources for the school. Each partner has an independent goal.

Conflicting goals:
Your local politician wants to allocate funds to create a training center in your school. Due to limited space, your school would prefer using the money to place computers in classrooms. The efforts of the politician appear to be in conflict with the schools.

Keep the lines of communication open so that your partners are aware of the seriousness of your intent and be clear to express the value you associate with the partners' contributions. It will take time and resources to build your partnerships and achieve your goals.


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