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Bug Web: Geo Me Tree Beetle
I've got that Geometry Bug!

A Day in the Life of My Geometry Bug

The name of my bug is Geo me Tree Beetle (he's Scottish). He lives up a tree. He moves by crawling up and down the tree using his suction cup feet. He eats the tree's leaves. Like most beetles, his wings are used for protection, not for flying.

Geo's body is made up of different geometric shapes. His head is an ellipse and his eyes are circles. His antennae are made up of rectangles and parallelograms. His thorax is in the shape of a pentagon. What you see of his abdomen are trapezoids and parallelograms, with his closed wings that lay on his abdomen also in the shapes of parallelograms. His femurs are triangles, his tibias are rectangles, and his tarsuses are circles. His dorsal side consists of a heptagon and a trapezoid. Geo's mouthparts are made for chewing and include a labrum, which is a circle, mandibles in the shapes of ellipses, and maxillae that are circles.

I wanted Geo me Tree Beetle to have a scarab-like appearance and have accurate insect characteristics. He has a large abdomen like a beetle's. His wings are attached to the thorax, but lay on his abdomen. I wanted the wings to fit onto the abdomen but not take away the shape of the abdomen, so I made them parallelograms. His thorax is a pentagon so it fits easily with his abdomen and wings and, also, his head. I chose to make Geo's head an ellipse because beetles' heads are usually ovular and an ellipse had enough space to fit his eyes and mouthparts. His eyes are circles because many insects' eyes are circular. I made his antennae out of rectangles and parallelograms to make them club-like, similar to some beetles'. His mouthparts are shaped to chew.

Geo me Tree Beetle's legs are made to crawl. His femurs are made out of triangles because they fit well with the body and the tibia. His tibias are rectangles so they support the femurs and are level to attach the tarsuses. The tarsuses are round suction cups to attach it to a tree (or wall).

Some of the problems Geo may face are: If he ever flips over, it would be very hard for him to turn over. If I had made longer, more flexible legs it would be easier for him. He also has limited vision because his eyes are on the sides of his head. His antennae are short; if I had given Geo longer ones he would have a better sense of his surroundings. Geo me Tree Beetle's legs are all attached to his thorax, which is relatively small to the rest of his body. His large abdomen then has no support and might make him bottom-heavy. Despite these shortcomings, Geo me Tree Beetle is able to cope with his everyday life.

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