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Brooklyn Independent Television Airs
Successful Teaching Practices in Action

This is a rich and informative hour of television viewing produced by Teachers Network and Brooklyn Independent Television to spread the word about how excellent teachers work their magic in New York City classrooms, using the latest technology. The education special, Successful Teaching Practices in Action, was first aired on March 13, and continues to be encored on the station.

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Made for TV! 
Successful Teaching Practices in Action TV Series
Teachers Network has produced another TV special, Successful Teaching Practices in Action TV Series, in 7 episodes, each featuring a seasoned veteran teacher in a real-life classroom setting, demonstrating best practices and imparting useful, practical knowledge and advice in topics, such as refining classroom management style, designing curriculum units, aligning standards, and much more.  Understand and learn how to put to use essential teaching strategies that will best help your students learn better.  Successful Teaching Practices in Action TV Series formatted as DVD for television cablecast are exclusively sold at Teachers Network.  For more information or to order, please contact Dave Miller at dlmiller@teachersnetwork.org.
Developed for educators, parents, and other concerned citizens, the program has three components—mini-documentaries featuring teachers who have successfully integrated web-based tools into classroom teaching, a roundtable discussion with New York City teachers who have directly benefited from these resources, and taped interviews with new teachers. 

Former Department of Education Deputy Chancellor Carmen Fariña, now a Teachers Network board member, moderates the roundtable discussion. The roundtable discussion explores further the useful and adaptable teaching techniques presented in the mini-documentaries. The program also features easily accessed information about the multimedia resources employed by the teachers as well as grants available from Teachers Network.

Successful Teaching Practices in Action, the television show, was made possible by a generous grant from the Independence Community Foundation.

You may also watch the video on Teacher Tube




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