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TeachNet NYC: Lesson Plans

Art as a Social Record

Project URLhttp://szetohistory.tripod.com/artlearningunit.htm

How it works:
Artistic products are important primary sources in studying about the past. Why was this artwork created? What can this piece of artwork tell us about its society? Historians and other academics conduct extensive research to answer these questions. With the use of technology, students are provided with easy access to artworks from different parts of the world. Following teacher-designed resources, they will be able to answer these questions on their own. This learning unit will incorporate technology and art to better understand history. Students will culminate their learning of each topic through different interactive activities and projects.

Standards addressed:
Students will use a variety of intellectual, analytical and research skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in history. They will use technology to locate, evaluate, and present information. Students will read and write for information and understanding, using standard English skillfully.

Materials used:
Students will use computers with Internet access and scanners. Students will also employ Adobe Acrobat Professional, Microsoft Word and other office productivity softwares to enhance their research.

The students:
Most of these lessons are suitable for regular students. If used for honors classes, teachers might want to adjust the difficulty of the projects.

Overall value:
All of these projects are student-centered. This fits our current educational model very well, with the teacher in the role of facilitator. The lessons help to strengthen students' analytical and research skills. With an understanding of the value of class time and curriculum coverage, most of the individual topics can be completed in a period or two.

Teachers should contact computer lab to check for Internet availability before bringing students in to work. They might also keep close watch of the time spent on group work. Constant evaluating and assessing are keys to success.


About the teacher:
Andy Szeto has taught Social Studies at Bayside High School since 2002. He specializes in American History, but also teaches Global History and Economics. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Stony Brook University in History, he holds a MS in Reading from SUNY Albany and has just completed his Educational Administration coursework in 2006. He serves as the Student Teacher Advisor for the Social Studies Department in his school.


Subject Areas:                           
Social Studies

Grade Levels: 



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