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TeachNet NYC: Lesson Plans

Primer For The Stock Market Game

Purpose of the Project

This series of lessons will aid students in their participation in The Stock Market Game. When researching stocks on the internet, students will find high/low graphs. After completing these lessons, the students will be able to use these graphs to make educated decisions about choosing stocks and tracking stocks they have already purchased.

Teacher Steps To Prepare

1.      Research to find websites with appropriate information.

2.       Prepare student handouts demonstrating how to read high/low graphs.

3.       Prepare focus questions for students to answer about specific graphs, which they will find on-line. These questions will be the basis for assessment.

4.       Determine cooperative learning groups prior to lesson. Assign specific jobs to each student in the group.

5.      Present lesson(s).

Student Activities

1.      Use handouts to follow along while teacher presents the lesson, and take appropriate notes.

2.      Form groups to view teacher recommended sites. Discuss interpretation of graphs within the group.

3.      Choose one graph to use when answering focus questions.

4.      Use word processing program to answer questions in paragraph form.

5.      Print out graph used when answering focus questions.

6.      Hand in graph with focus questions.

Assessment Methods

Students may be evaluated by reading their answers to focus questions. Informal observation during group work periods will also be used when assessing student learning.

Standards Addressed by This Unit

1.      Read and comprehend informational materials.

2.      Produce a report of information.

3.      Participate in-group meetings.

4.      Demonstrate a basic understanding of the rules of the English language.

5.      Collect and organize data to answer a question.

6.      Make statements and draw conclusions from data in a graph.

7.      Use previously learned strategies, skills, knowledge, and concepts to make decisions.

8.      Make connections among concepts in order to solve problems.

9.      Solve problems in ways that make sense and explains why.

Teacher Technology Skills Required

Internet Browsers, Word Processing software.

Student Technology Skills Required

Searching specified web sites for information, use of word processing software.

Software Materials Used

Netscape Navigator or other web browser. ClarisWorks or other word processing program.

Related Links

AOL http://aol.com, Keyword: “stock quotes”

Yahoo! http://finance.yahoo.com/?u 


Giving students a choice of different stock graphs to interpret will make this activity more interesting. Be sure students print out graphs that they select so that your assessment is accurate. Grouping students heterogeneously works well for this activity.




Denise Zackman, is a first year teacher at PS 101 in Brooklyn, New York.
Estimated Class Periods To Complete: 3
Subject: Math
Subject 2: Social Studies
Beginning Grade Level: 4
Ending Grade Level: 12


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