Lesson Three

Categorizing, Classifying, Organizing,  My Own Collection, 

Instructional Objectives

Time Required

Advance Preparation

Materials / Resources Required  



Focus Questions (and responses)


?    How are the items in my collection alike/different... (manmade, from nature, shape, color, texture, etc.)

?    What are some attributes I can assign to my items... (soft, round, hard, flat, plant material, valuable etc,.)

?    What are some ways my treasures can be sorted... (things found at school, things found at home etc.)

?    What is my criteria for sorting groups the ways I chose to sort them... (shiny rocks, bumpy rocks, smooth rocks, rocks with holes, flat rocks)

?    How do I feel about some of my items...    ? Is there a value I can assign to each item...

?    Are some of my items less interesting to me than others... 

?    Which items belong in my collection and which ones should I discard or save for later consideration...

?    Would I be interested in trading some items with another student...

? What are some other objects that could fit in my collection that I don't have yet, that I have yet to find...



(reminders of gathering procedures)



  1. Students are given 10 minutes to examine and begin sorting items from their collection box. 

  2. Use Focus Questions one through four, listed above, to facilitate student discoveries. 

  3. Items are to be sorted on student desks into a minimum of two groups. 

  4. Hold a five minute class discussion of patterns, categories and criteria students are using to identify their groups. 

  5. After the class discussion, allow 10 minutes for students to modify and re-group, and finalize their sort.

  6. Give each student approximately 15 seconds to share their categories with the class.

  7. Replace and store items in students' collection boxes.


This website allows students to create a "personal museum" where they chose a theme or just thier favorite pieces.  They add descriptions and choose a layout to make it personalized.





Creates two groups and offers little or no justification for the collection. Re-Teach grouping objective
Creates three to four groups yet offers minimal selection criteria Re-teach generation of criteria
Creates three or more groups and is able to name two or more attributes for each group to justify selection. Continue with creating a second set of groups based on a different criteria.
Creates multiple groups, using explicit attributes, and can re-arrange the collection to fit a different criteria given new attributes. Mastery of grouping objective


Collector's Field Log Evaluation*:
Complete Collector's Field Log, complete page for each  item in collection box, detailed illustrations and descriptions. Exceeds Expectations 50-46 Points


Complete Collector's Field Log, page for each item collected, basic illustrations and descriptions, no evidence of detail. Meets Expectations 41-45 Points

40-36 Points



Partially completed Collector's Field Log, missing information on log sheets, all objects represented in log. Minimal Effort 31-35 Points C
Incomplete Collector's Field Log, log pages incomplete, pages do not match items in collection box. Needs Improvement  30  Points or less D

                        *(Points are suggested, may be modified as necessary)


Time Line

Introductory Lesson

"My Gatherings"

Creating a Collection


Lesson Two

Vocabulary Treasure Hunt

Digital Reference Desk


Lesson Three

 Organizing My Collection

Sort and Classify


Lesson Four

"Virtual Museum Tour"

On-Line Dig


Lesson Five

Classroom Mini Museum

Showcasing Collections 
