Lesson Three-
From Town Builders to Present Day
Instructional Objectives:
The students will use the Internet for research while learning to master other academic standards.

Time Required:
Lesson three can be done in two sessions of approximately 60 minutes each, and some independent work time. If possible a field trip could be scheduled to take photographs around the area. This can be done on several Saturdays with small groups, or with parents driving small groups in separate cars (special paperwork/permission is needed).

More sessions can be added to go more in depth.

Advance Preparation and Prerequisite Knowledge/skills:
Have the materials ready and available. Preview the materials and select a motivating reading for session one, and a couple of good web sites for session two.
The students should have prior practice summarizing.

Materials/Resources Needed:
Computer with Internet access, Digital Camera, Microsoft Word (or any other word processing software) and a web authoring program.

Click Here For Web Sites


First session: Give the students access to as much information on the topic (Town builders, Economy Builders, Community makers, and the present day) as possible by providing materials such as pamphlets, books, articles and web sites to research. Read to the class what you believe to be the most motivating or informative book or selection from what you have collected for the students to research and discuss. In this case I chose The Santa Maria Historical Photo Album put out by the Local Historical Museum (see resources). Let the students draw about what you are reading as you read. Bring prior knowledge and personal experiences into the discussion. Give the students time to browse freely through the material you have provided. Begin the extension activity (see extensions).

Another session: As a class visit a website or two and discuss. Bring prior knowledge and personal experiences into the discussion. Show the students how to take notes. Continue working on the extension activity.

If possible go on a photographing filed trip. A field trip could be scheduled to take photographs around the area. This can be done on several Saturdays with small groups, or with parents driving small groups in separate cars (special paperwork/permission is needed).

Research the town builders, founding fathers, economy builders and community makers in the history of the town.
Take notes.
Write a summary.
Work on a classroom mural. Add town buildings and streets.

Ongoing Classroom Mural Project- This mural stays up in the classroom the entire school year and is built upon throughout the year as we move along in the history of The Santa Maria Valley. The mural covers the length of the classroom.

Continue the mural:
After lesson three add three-dimensional houses and other buildings such as schools, the library, etc. You can even map out the town and have some of the main streets. Digital photographs of the actual buildings can be glued to paper models. We used house shaped shadow boxes bought at the dollar store to create our town.

Visit local museums, the old downtown, old neighborhoods and other sites that show the history of the town.

Photograph anything you see that you think is representative of the history of the town, or anything special about it. Photograph signs around town and bring to school.

I assign each student a subtopic to research such as: Town Builders, Community Makers, Economy Builders, etc. The students have two weeks to do this assignment. They are to turn in a summary of what they researched (if possible on some kind of portable media.floppy or CD). I provide a sheet or two of background information for the students to use in case that they do not have the means to do research at home.
These summaries will be used later in the creation of a web page.

Bring to school for show and tell any historical artifacts you might have, or any other related item.


Student Participation
Points assigned based on teacher's criteria for each item.
Contributed to 
the discussion
10 points
Brought in photos
or realia
10 points
Participated in extension activity 10 points
Contributed to 
the mural
10 points
Homework Summary 10 points
50 points = 100% = A

Illustrative Materials:
Homework worksheet

Student Work Samples:
Summary    Illustration    Mural Photos


The Santa Maria Historical Photo Album 
          by the Santa Maria Valley Historical Society

The Good Years, Snippets of Santa Maria Valley History
          By Shirley Contreras for the Santa Maria Valley Historical Society

A Line Through the Past, Historical and Ethnographic Background for the Branch Canal
           By Betty Rivers
           San Luis Obispo County Archeological Society

Sagas of the Central Coast, History from the pages of Central Coast, The magazine of Pleasures  
           and Pursuits
           Bob Nelson, Publisher



Lesson One
The Chumash
Lesson Two
The Rancheros
Lesson Three
The Townbuilders
Lesson Four
A Web Page