The following rubric was created on Rubistar and is a guideline to be used after completing the entire Magnetism and Electricity unit.  When referring to the completion of Lab Report, the teacher should assess all of its related components including the quality of students' participation in experiments, as well as resultant written notes, schematics, and findings.

Lab Report: Magnetism and Electricity

Teacher's  name: _____________________        Date: ____________

Student's  Name: ________________________________


CATEGORY Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Components of the report All required elements are present and additional elements that add to the report (e.g., thoughtful comments, graphics) have been added. All required elements are present. One required element is missing, but additional elements that add to the report (e.g., thoughtful comments, graphics) have been added. Several required elements are missing.
Question/Purpose The questions to be answered during the report are clearly identified and stated. The questions to be answered during the report are identified, but are stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The questions to be answered during the report are partially identified, and are stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The questions to be answered during the report are erroneous or irrelevant.
Drawings/Diagrams Clear, accurate diagrams are included and make the experiment easier to understand. Diagrams are labeled neatly and accurately. Diagrams are included and are labeled neatly and accurately. Diagrams are included and are labeled. Needed diagrams are missing OR are missing important labels.
Participation Used time well in the room and focused attention on the experiment. Used time pretty well. Stayed focused on the experiment most of the time. Did the experiments but did not appear very interested. Focus was lost on several occasions. Participation was minimal OR student was hostile about participating.
Journal/Notebook Clear, accurate, dated notes are taken regularly. Dated, clear, accurate notes are taken occassionally. Dated, notes are taken occassionally, but accuracy of notes might be questionable. Notes rarely taken or of little use.
Materials All materials and setup used in the experiment are clearly and accurately described. Almost all materials and the setup used in the experiment are clearly and accurately described. Most of the materials and the setup used in the experiment are accurately described. Many materials are described inaccurately OR are not described at all.
Conclusion Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis, possible sources of error, and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes what was learned from the experiment. No conclusion was included in the report OR shows little effort and reflection.
Scientific Concepts Report illustrates an accurate and thorough understanding of scientific concepts underlying the unit. Report illustrates an accurate understanding of most scientific concepts underlying the unit. Report illustrates a limited understanding of scientific concepts underlying the unit. Report illustrates inaccurate understanding of scientific concepts underlying the unit





What is magnetism?


What is a magnetic field?

light bulb animation


What is electricity?


What is an electromagnet?