My Religion         

Student Worksheets

golden rule

Book Specifications

Collage Instructions

Background Information

What is religion? Religions make available a guide for human behavior.  It provides a way of having peace with each other.  It answers life questions.  It is different for different people and cultures. To many people, religion is a word not to be mentioned; Yet it is such a big part of a culture that it can not be ignored.  Religion for many is not practiced in a formal way, but it is the spiritual traditions which help define their culture.   Like our cultures, religions are so different yet so alike.  Students will explore their traditional religion as well as others and compare them.








  •  Religion Book
  • Collage
  • Golden Rule
  • Comparison Paragraph

Web-Based Activities

Library Suggests 

Quest for religion 

World Religions  c

Social Studies Religion 

Cultural Gods and Legends


