Student Research on Religion

Use the following websites and books in the class to do your research.

Sites have been bookmarked as follows:

Library Suggests  websites on  religions encyclopedias and atlases

Quest for religion  pick a religion to learn more about it

world religions  click on any religion to learn the beliefs and history of the religion

Social Studies Religion  religion in the 13 colonies

Cultural Gods and Legends Click anywhere in the world and read about different legends on gods.



Questions to Answer

1.    Who is the central person or figure?


2.    What is the basic belief?



3.    Are their basic principles believers follow?  i.e. (Ten Commandments)



4.    What is the name of the book holding the teachings?



5.     Do the believers meet in a sacred place?



6.     Is there a special religious celebration or holy days?



7.     Why and how is it celebrated?



8.     Are there any symbols that represent the religion?